6- Cloud Nine is Jealous At Us

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Chapter six: Cloud Nine is Jealous At Us

Chapter six: Cloud Nine is Jealous At Us

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"Oh my God, I fucking love this song!"

Right when those words came out of my mouth, I instantly was getting twirled clumsily, by an amused Angel that made me get closer to his chest. Both swaying at the rhythm of the music, in our own little bubble.

Angel is like air. You don't know that you need him, until someone's like: Hey, you do know without air we die.

And then we're like, oh shit.

"But it's a Spanish song." He pointed out, scrunching his eyebrows together with pouty lips.


"You're dancing to a song you don't understand."


I hate this guy.

Angel looked down at me with a weird look, before leaning down besides my ear,"What do you say we ditch this stupid party?" He slurred a bit, with a sly smile. Whilst Angel hugged unto my bottle of vodka, acting if it were his baby of some sort.

"But what about Lorenzo, I wanted him to notice me." I cried out, without really noticing, squishing his covered bicep. He had looked for his hoodie in his car, since he gave me his leather jacket.

"Fuck him." He shrugged. I gasped, at his bluntness. But then pondering in deep thoughtful, I nodded in approval.

"Yeah, fuck him!" I shouted out, lifting my hands up inhaling my freedom, with a cheshire grin on my face. Ignoring the incredulous I gained from people that were around me.

His relaxed figure turned alarmed.

"No, no, don't fuck him. Fuck me."

I giggled. "Is that from a vine?" He poured at my response.

"Okay Mads, Kaitlyn, whatever your name is. Let's go." He all said in one sentence. While dragging me out of the party, I spotted Keekee who was taking a selfie with some guy, she beamed at the sight of me. Once she spotted Lorenzo, closely to me she wiggled her eyebrows.

She mouthed, 'America explain.'

I quietly laughed,'LA-TER.' my attention was abruptly turned back to Angel, since he kept tugging on my arm into follow him.

"Wait, wait. Before we leave," I stopped in my tracks, lazily taking my phone from my high waisted shorts that I grudgingly had put on.

"Smilee." Surprisingly, instead of being the average teen of looking straight into the camera with a blank look on his face, he just took a long swig of his- I mean my, vodka holding a thumbs up.

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