authors notes

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hi everyone it's been a really long time since i've last updated this.. i didn't expect anyone to actually like this and i kinda just wrote this out of boredom.. i just wanted to say thank you for reading and i did leave this unfinished and i wasn't planning on continuing it. i do occasionally read everyone's comments and they make me laugh and also want to finish this. however i just don't have as much free time as i used to so it'll probably be a long time before i even start writing again. i'm not too sure about what i originally planned for this so if anyone has any ideas or just any feedback in general about how i can make this story better pls let me know! :)

(i also wanna edit a few things in the story to make "y/n" more inclusive ? not sure how to say that but i mean because as i was rereading a few parts it does seem more of an oc than "y/n" if that makes sense)

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