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Y/N's point-of-view

Three Years Later

location: New York

"Mommy look!"

I look up to see my three year old daughter, Rosie, holding an ice cream cone out to me.

"Auntie bought us some ice cream!"

"How nice of her! Did you say thank you?" I smiled and took the ice cream, patting the seat next to me on the bench for her to sit.

"Yes I did!" She smiled and started eating her ice cream.

"She wouldn't stop looking at the ice cream shop so I had to buy her some." Angie came and sat next to her.

"I see.." I looked at my cone and began eating it.

A few minutes later we decided to shop some more, or at least walk around before going back home.

"This store looks kinda cool. I wanna see inside." Angie said walking towards the door, holding Rosie's hand.

"Okay, I'll be out here if you need anything." I said loud enough for them to here.

I found a nearby bench to sit at. I sat down and I looked around, today the mall wasn't that crowded like it usually is. Not even five minutes later, I hear a mob of people following some celebrities a few feet away from where I was. I turn to look at who it is, but I wasn't able to see with all the teenage girls surrounding them.

"Hmm..it's probably a pop singer." I spoke to myself.

I decided to go to the restroom to fix my hair since I knew Angie would take a while. I got up and was about to turn towards the restrooms when I heard a girl cry out. I look back and see a teen girl on the floor. It seemed that she tripped and fell and one of the celebrities was helping her up. My eyes widen when I get a better look at the celebrity.


A million thoughts and feelings rushed through me. I wanted to run away but my legs felt weak. I sit back down on the bench, staring at the ground. I couldn't begin to describe how I felt in that very moment.

Numb. I feel numb and confused. Confused on what I should do.

Should I go after him to try and get an answer? Or should I just let him go..

Before I could make a decision I was interrupted by a voice.

"Mom! I-" I heard my daughter stop mid sentence.

I look up to see Rosie and Angie.

"What happened? You're crying.." Angie sat next to me and wiped the tears that I didn't notice. Rosie sits on my lap and hugs me. I burst out crying and hug her tight.

Three years..

It's been three years since I've last seen him.

Could it be that fate wants us to meet again?

Later that day

"Mom, what are you making for dinner today?" Rosie walked into the kitchen with a doll in her hand.

"I'm making enchiladas and Angie is going to bake cookies later." I smiled at her and pat her head.

She has gorgeous brown hair and light brown small eyes. She also has freckles like Felix..

Why did you have to look so much like your father..

"Go find your aunt and tell her the food is almost ready." I turn back to the food.

"Ok!" She ran off to Angie's room.

I started to think about how far we've come. Angie finally graduated high school and was now enrolled in a college, here in New York. I quit both of my jobs and moved to New York with her. I started working at a retail store for a few months and then quit to get a job as a secretary for a big company.

Who would've thought I'd see Felix again..

Angie then walked in the kitchen, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey, I heard the food was ready?" She walked over to the stove.

"Yeah, where's Rosie?"

"She's cleaning up the mess she made in her room.." Angie looked at me. "Hey..so what happened earlier? Are you ok?"

I looked at her and then at the floor.

"I saw him.." I said in a barely audible voice.

Angie's eyes widened.

"Y-you mean.." She covered her mouth with one hand. "Wait we're both talking about..you know..F?"

"Yes! Yes him." I covered my face with my hands.

We stood in silence for a minute.

"Did you want to go after him?" Angie broke our moment of silence.

"I don't know.. Part of me wanted to run up to him and hug him really tight and ask what happened. Why he never contacted me ever again. But I also didn't know if going back to him would.." I wiped some of my tears from my eyes.

Angie walked over to me and patted my back.

"I'm sure things will turn out for the better. If you're meant to meet again and be together then it'll happen. If not then it just won't. I think you should just enjoy what you have, Rosie, because she needs her mother to be happy."

"Yeah I guess you're right." I smiled at her.

"I finished cleaning!" Rosie came running into the kitchen.

I turned away and wiped the rest of my tears.

"Why is mommy crying?" She pouted.

"Mommy was crying because she can't wait to taste our cookies. She's so impatient!" Angie shook her head.

I laughed and playfully smacked her shoulder.

"Whatever! Come on let's eat before the food gets cold!" I smiled and started fixing plates.

I think I'll just let things happen on their own.

*a/n: surprise !! it's been so long since i've updated sorry ! i'm just busy with work, how's life going for all of you ? but thank you for reading this trash ;-;

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