new place

386 18 5

"Didn't you say this would only be able to take a certain amount if people on a certain amount of trips?" I questioned, having a small backpack in my hand with (f/n) on my right and Megamind on my left. He grinned and pat my shoulder, not looking over towards me but keeping his attention on the watch.

"Correctumundo, but you see your dear friend and I had realized that if you..." He began, but with all the newfound words I had never heard of, it was hard to keep track of what he was saying. " now, it will take all three of us, and 2 more others if one so feels pleased to join, on multiple trips across multiple universes!"

I groaned and opened my bag, looking for anything i may have forgotten in my packing. Seeing as it was all fit for a supposedly quick trip, i looked back to Megamind. "So, how do we get there?"

"I'm glad you asked, (y/n)! Hold my hand!"


"C'mon, it'll only work if there's a physical connection between the one with the teleportor and those who wish to come with." (F/n) had argued.

I rolled my eyes and heavily set my hand on Megaminds, as (f/n) did the same. Once everyone had linked hands, Megamind flicked the watch and the numbers on the dial went berserk, flipping through every digit before hitting 2,730,827 and a flash of blue shot through my iris in a flash.

It was dark for a mere moment.
My body felt numb. I couldnt feel my legs, couldn't feel my arms, my fingertips.
I heard the patter of a heartbeat, my heartbeat, softly. There were thumps of what could be loud footsteps fade in and out from my ringing ears.




Suddenly feeling my brain catch up to the nerves in my limbs, i sat upright before being chucked onto a grassy hill.

"Haha we made it!" Cheers followed, and when I looked over it was Megamind and (f/n).

Finally being able to see, rather than a bright white and blue light, i took in the scene around me. It had looked like any other town but it was so much...nicer. It had a lot more positive life throughout the city and parks than what I had at home. Standing up, though very wobbly, i regained my strength and turned to Megamind. "Okay now where do we go?"

He looked at me horrified for a quick moment but rubbed his eyes and then smiled. "Ah, yes! We need supplies! And what better way to obtain them than by going to my lab!"


" no no no!" Things were being thrown around, chucked without care.

"What are you looking for?"

"We need something to keep the formula in but.. after the battle with Tighten most of my resources have been used up!" Megamind, now his natural blue self, was aggravated by the many things surrounding him. "And i haven't seen minion all while we have been here, i am very worried!

You and F/n paced around the laboratory, looking through the many things Megamind had on his shelf. You then stopped, when a glowing blue cube shimmered, hidden behind a couple of mechanical parts. It had black on one of the corners, then the blue fading till it became more vibrant. You grabbed it, looking around the object. "Hey, Megamind.." You turned to where you last saw him. "Who's this?"

Megamind peeks from the corner, you having been in a different room. "Uh.. Thats..." He looked confused for a moment, then nervous, snatching the cube from you. "It's Y/n! From this universe, but what are they doing here?"

Suddenly the ground began to shake, and the lights in the lab shut off immediatly. A scream was heard, echoing through the building.

"F/n!" You yelled, about to dash from the room. Megamind held you back. You angrily shoved him off. "What the hell are you doing!"

"Hush, it's a trap! Go hide behind the shelf, I don't trust this!"

"Pretty sneaky sis, but not sneaky enough!" A cackle, it still echoing. "Dunno who this is but they know you. Come out now and hand over y/n or this place will blow."

Megamind teeth chattered nervously as he pushed you behind the messy shelf. "Get down, I'll handle this."

You did what he asked, sitting in the corner behind the many things piled up. You didnt see much through the cracks of space that didnt fill up with junk, watching blue walk through a door. There was sounds of bickering before a yell, and you jumped out from the stuff and grabbed the closest thing to you, a pipe. You began to leave the room and look around frantically.

Goodness, what were you doing... You are on a random planet in a universe, with random people you've just barely met with a world full of superpowered people. This person could have ungodly powers, and here you are, racing to save your friend and a blue headed alien. You inhaled a quick breath before peering over the corner to see f/n on the ground unconscious and Megamind on the ground as well, clutching his stomach with a reheaded man above him. He looked geekish but he looked terrifying.

"Seems like getting rid of that power capsule didn't get rid of all my powers, i still have Metro Mans strength and speed coursing through my veins." He grinned and stepped on Megaminds stomach. "Must make you feel weak, don't it."

You held the pipe in your hand stronger, raising your hands high, preparing to strike. Megamind saw you in the corner of his eye and have you a look not to do what he knew you were gonna do, but you did anyways, smacking the redheaded man upside the head with a loud tink, and he dropped to his knees.

Angrily he stood up and turned around, snatching the pipe from your hands and kicking you away into a wall. "Seems you've got another.." He stopped when he saw your face. "Y-y/n? I thought I had you killed!"

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