attack on Tighten, part 2

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Megamind had surrendered and turned himself in but Roxanne and I made our way to downtown, where Hal was.
Roxanne and I had created a sort of plan, that she would try and talk to him, but it didn't go well. Hal took Roxanne to the top part of the building and locked her in with the metal grates. He created live feed, forcing Megamind that he needed to come or he would destroy Roxanne and all of Metro City. This was all part of the plan.

"Please, Megamind, i don't even know if your listening but don't give up. Be the Megamind that never ran from a fight, even when he had no chance of winning. Metro City needs you, Y/n and I need you."
"Don't keep me waiting!" Hal signed off the camera, tossing it to the ground.

Hal began to laser his eyes of the building, pushing it down with Roxanne on it. She screamed, pleading to Hal.
Suddenly, black smoke filled the sky with guitar riffs, and out popped a giant Megamind head made of his Brain Bots.
"There isn't enough city for 2 supervillians!" Yelled Hal, to which Megamind laughed.
"Oh your a Villian alright, just not a super one!"
"Oh yeah? What's the difference!"
The mouth of Megamind opened, his tongue making a bridge for Megamind to waltz out. "Presentation!" He triumphantly hollered, and lights began to spill.
Hal angrily launched himself to Megamind, who fell through his bots onto a flying jet ski. The building began to fall, and Brain bots tried their best to keep it from falling too quickly, even I had been pushing it from topping down to the floor.
Megamind drove in and broke the metal bindings, grabbing Roxanne and sitting her behind him on the jet ski.
"Where's Y/N?" He questioned.
"I'm not sure." It was a lie. "She's most likely home uptown."
Megamind, taking her lie to truth nodded and drove away from the falling building, but the top point started to dive towards them. I quickly grabbed it and flew back, keeping it from piercing the escaping duo.

Megamind threw Roxanne onto a bouncy cloth pier as Megamind hit the fountain.
"No!" I yelled, racing towards him. Hal kicked a bus Roxannes way, and i quickly grabbed her and ran out of the way. There was a crash, and upon turning I saw Cal, wearing his suit and having shaven his face.
"Please," he began. "Lets have a little more respect for public transportation!"
"You came back!" Roxi said, happy.
"You were right, Roxanne. I never should have left." Cal gave a small grin, then faced back to Hal, who stood confused.
"Wow, I.. I thought you were dead." Hal put his arms up for unresistance.
"My death was greatly exaggerated. So! You're the punk I've heard about."
I walked up behind Cal and elbowed his shoulder. "Ready to pound this guy to cheese Cal?" I grinned, wearing my [color] suit with black trims, along with a [color] and black lace designed mask, the costume I had created so many years ago.
Cal was quiet. "Y/n?"
I ran towards Hal, Cal following. He screamed and flew up, Cal and I racing towards him through flight.
It was mostly us flying around, chasing him through every street and alley as he tried to get away.
"Going somewhere? Besides jail?" I grinned, appearing upside down under him as we flew. He squacked and flew up, Cal and I following him.
Hal flew right into Cal as Cal gripped his shirt. "If you know what's good for you, Tighten, you'll stay OUT of Metrocity, for good!"
"You got it!" Hal quickly stuttered, giving him finger guns and flying off.

"Metrocity?" I watched as Cal made his way to the street flooring, and I followed suit. I walked up to him smiling, holding out my hand. Cal slowly brought his hand to mine and I switched at his bracelet, there appearing that it was not my dear brother, but my love, Megamind. I gave him a gentle smile, which he returned.
"You never told me you could fly." He said, as civilians, and Roxanne started walking towards the new heroes.
I turned to the people and was to speak when a voice caught my throat.

"Pretty sneaky sis, but there's only one person i know who calls this town 'Metrocity'." It was Hal, he had seen through the charade. "I bet you think it's really funny, huh." He threw Megamind into a car. "Lets all laugh at the really cool guy huh! You're not gonna be laughing for long!" He used his laser eyes to follow Megamind who continuously flew to avoid it.
"Megamind!" I called out, seeing the thermal energy change from building to what looked to be a car. "Yknow the saying, the past is behind you? I believe you should always look back!"
"What does that have to do with the current situation!" He argued, and I continued.
"I think you should Look. Back!"
Megamind quickly flew towards it, and i tackled Tighten. His laser eyes had cut off the jetpack on Megaminds back and onto the floor, Megamind running towards the car.
Hal angrily grabbed me and threw me to the floor, myself kicking my legs up and causing Hal to fly back, landing on his bottom.
"This is getting rather annoying!" He yelled, standing up and grabbing me by the collar of my suit. "I might as well get rid of you first! You both have made a fool out of me!" His eyes began to grow red once again, but Megamind called out.
"I taught you to be a hero, you were the one who made yourself look like a fool, all by yourself!"
Hal tossed me down and flew at Megamind, who crawled to his car, having hit his back on a wall upon being thrown by Hal who had caught up to him.
"Why are you even trying? You are a loser."
"There's a benefit for losing," Megamind said. "You get to learn from your mistakes." He ran into the invisible car, completely disappearing, giving me time to run over.
Hal, having lost sight of his victim punched the air, and in his hand was a car door that had been torn off. Megamind was on the other side, holding the gun that could not only give power, but take it away.

I mentioned a 'hush' pose, but the invisibility stopped working. Megamind quickly pressed on a button that locked the car door, chuckling nervously.
"Enjoy your flight!" Hal threw Megamind into the air, and i shot up after him. Megamind began to fall, and I was about to grab him till he shot himself with his dehydration him, turning into a cube. I snatched the glowing cube and gun, flying down and dropping him in the water fountain, standing in front of him as he became himself, holding the gun loosely at my side, for if Hal came at him, i would be blocking him from getting harmed.
Megamind snatched the gun from my hand and ran at Hal, sucking in the power from his nose into the gun. The power expelled from Hals body, changing back to his original form and falling to the ground.
"Thing about bad guys, they always lose!" Megamind said, drained.
"You did it, you won!" I held Megaminds hands in mine.
"Well, I finally found a reason to. You."
I felt my cheeks burn as i saw his pinken, and enveloped him in a hug. He returned it, pulling me close till he heard coughing from Minion.
"Minion!" He ran over, holding his dear friends body in his hands.
"I feel cold.. And warm and see dark and light.."
Roxanne and I walked to Megamind, both of us on either side of Megaminds shoulders.
"It's me, Minion. Im right here."
"We've had a lot of adventures together, you and I. "
"We have, Minion."
Minion coughed in pain, followed by a groan. "I mean, most of them ended in horrible failure, but we won't today, didn't we sir?"
"Yes minion, we did it, thanks to you."
"Code: we're the good guys now." He said raspy.
"Code: I guess we are."
Minion frantically switched eye contact, hyperventilating. "Oh! I'm going! I think- i think this is it, im going, I'm going far-" he tried to breathe, coughing before landing on his side in an exhale of breath, closing his eyes.
"Minion.." I knelt down beside him, staying in the moment with sadness.
Megamind picked him up and tossed him in the water uncaringly, smiling. "Ugh, What a drama queen."
"Yknow, im feeling much better now!" Minion swam up to see everyone. "I guess i just needed a swim."
"He had you, didn't he." He nudged me with his shoulder, and I chuckled soft. "Classic Minion."
Minion couldn't help but cheekily grin, looking away.
"Oh don't look at me with that little face." Joked Megamind.
"We did it!" Minion said.
"We won! We won we won we won!" Exclaimed Megamind. He grabbed me and twirled, pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.
The crowd started to flood towards us and he quickly let go, blocking me from the people veiw and put the dehydration gun to them. "Get back! Get back you savages!"
I quickly set his hand down and held him reassuringly. "Sorry, sorry! Hes just not used to this kind of attention!"

Months later, they had set up a museum in Megaminds honor, an entire parade of people excited to see everyone. Everything was perfect, Megamind and I were together, Cal had gone from hiding and gotten his chance to be a regular citizen, and Hal was behind bars, under constant watch.

"You've still got to tell me about yourself." Megamind said, kissing my cheek.
"All in due time my dear." I grinned, bumping his hip with mine. "For now, lets enjoy the music."
A song played as the museum opened and people gathered in, looking at the exhibits.
On the outside, Megaminds Brain Bots were slowly rebuilding the city. Megamind had become quite popular with the town, especially cause he had saved Metro City, and would continue being the hero.

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