2: Letter

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Jordan had stolen tons of kryptonite guns from the DOD. He was now searching desert maps for any possibility of Morgan Edge being anywhere.

"Come one, come on. He had to have gone somewhere" Jordan was about to completely go nuts, Until he finally found a spot where Edge could be.

Jordan wasn't sure if he was gonna come back alive, so he wrote a small letter to Sarah.

Dear Sarah,

Thank you so much for making my life so much better than it was before. I giving you this letter because I don't know if I'm coming back alive or not. I love you so much and you are the best person I've ever met in my entire life. I hope I'm coming back alive, but if I don't, then I need to tell the truth. My dad is Superman and Morgan Edge took him and turned him evil. I inherited his powers, so I'm going to try to stop Morgan Edge and get my dad back. I hope I come back alive so that we can do more things together, and just talk about stuff  like we normally do. But if I don't come back, then you are the best friend and girlfriend I've ever had, besides Jonathan of course. You and Jonathan are the best. Every time I have to lie to you I feel like I'm breaking into millions of pieces. You deserve to know everything so that's why I'm telling you. I wish I could say it differently, but I don't know if I coming back so I needed to tell you somehow. But if I told you in person now you or someone would try to stop me and I have to go save my dad. 

I hope that if I die then you can move on with your life and not let my death effect your life to much. 

I love you


Hi guys! Due to some difficulties, this chapter had to be short.

I'm sorry about the delay, but the chapter is finally here! Hopefully there will be a new chapter tomorrow or Monday.


My Instagram: HeartsOfLions_

My hamster Instagram: DianaHamHam_

More Than Friends (Jordan and Sarah from Superman and Lois)Where stories live. Discover now