12: Crazy Controls

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Sarah caught a glimpse of Morgan edge flying away from the window, and she froze.

"Sarah??? Is everything okay!?" Jordan asked in panic.

"Jordan, I saw him" Sarah replied. "Who???!!! Who did you see???!!!" Jordan asked frantically.

"Morgan edge is alive!" Sarah said in panic as her and Jordan ran outside in hopes that edge was still there.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" Morgan edge said teasingly.

"If your looking for my dad, he's in a coma because of you" Jordan yelled.

"I don't want your dad. I want you to join me" edge said while grinning.

Edge suddenly grabbed Jordan's wrists and flew away. "SARAH GET HELP!" Jordan screamed as edge took off

Sarah screamed in panic. She ran onto the road screaming for help


Two people saw her screaming and called 911. The 911 operated immediately called the D.O.D and the sped off to the Kent house.

When the D.O.D got there Sarah and lois were sobbing while Jonathan started to cry.

Sam walked in with tears starting to fall from his eyes. "First Clark is in a coma, now edge took my son?!" Lois said in tears as Jonathan and Sarah sobbed.

Sarah grabbed her phone and called her mom.

On the other end of the phone, Lana's heart broke as she heard many voices sobbing including her daughter's.

"Sarah what's going on??" Lana asked. "Morgan edge took Jordan!" Sarah said in tears. Lana immediately hung up the phone and sped to the Kent house.

When Lana got there, Lois, Sarah, and Jonathan were sobbing on the couch as Sam lane was trying his best not to cry.

And to make matters worse, Sarah had been so upset that she ended up fainting. Lana screamed as Jonathan managed to dial 911.

"HELP MY FRIEND JIST FAINTED" Jonathan screamed as Lana broke down sobbing.

At the doctor, they found out that Sarah had even had a small heart attack when she had seen Morgan edge. It just didn't have a huge effect until now.

The doctors said that didn't know how long she'd be asleep. Lana and Lois were both sobbing while Jonathan tried to call Jordan.

A few days later, there was no word from Jordan, Clark hadn't woken up, and Sarah was still unconscious.

A doctor had walked in Sarah's room to get some things, when he accidentally spilled a bunch of tests on her.

"OH SHOOT!" The man yelled as he frantically ran out of the room.

Jordan woke up frantically. He searched the room he was in, then he saw some type of metal bars in front of him. Unfortunately he couldn't move them because his powers weren't fully manifested.

"Aw to bad. Can't break free?" Edge said mockingly. Jordan frowned and rolled his eyes.

"I heard that little girlfriend of yours is very very sick" edge said while laughing.

Jordan got very angry and sped to the bars, trying to break free.

"In fact, she's very stupid because she doesn't care about anyone. It's just an act" edge said

"Don't you DARE talk about Sarah that way. Or I will grind your bones u til they are dust on the ground" Jordan threatened

Edge laughed and walked away. Jordan grunted and punched the wall in anger.

Memories with Jordan played in her head. She remembered the first time they met, that summer.

She secretly loved Jordan, but she was to afraid to break up with Sean.

When Jordan kissed her at the bonfire, she was shocked. She didn't think that he had the same feelings.

After she broke up with Sean and left the cheer team, she realized that she felt happier without those things. She hung out with Jordan as friends for a while, and then she was in her living room with Jordan and Jonathan.

Every time she looked in Jordan's eyes she instantly remembered everything they did together. The memories they had.

"Can I have, a moment alone with Jordan for a second?" She said

She didn't even pay attention to what Jordan said, she just waited for the right moment to kiss him.

Then she woke up. And she heard Jordan.

"Sarah of you can hear me please get help! I need you!" Jordan said. Sarah didn't know what to do. She got out of the hospital bed and ran out to find Clark as fast as she could. She ran into the hospital room that Clark was in.

Lois was in there crying. "Mrs Kent?" Sarah asked. Lois gasped when she saw Sarah awake.

"Wait don't call my mom yet" Sarah said. "I need you to kiss Clark" Sarah said.

Lois looked at her confused.

"I'll explain why just do it" Sarah added.

Lois kissed Clark, and he started to wake up. Lois broke away from him and started crying happily when she saw him start to wake up.

After Lois, Jonathan, Clark, and Sarah spent 30 minutes talking in the Kent house. Sarah stood up and walked out to the barn.

Jon followed her.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Just watch" Sarah replied. Sarah walked to the large metal bars from the first time she went in there.

Sarah took one and lifted it up into the air

Jonathan was shocked. "MOM, DAD! COME HERE!" Jon yelled as Lois and Clark came running into the barn.

They saw Sarah holding the metal bar in the air, and gripped it. The center of the bar crunched and she put it down.

Everyone was shocked. "We need to help Jordan" Sarah said. "It's to dangerous" Lois said. Sarah didn't listen one bit. Sarah grabbed Jon's wrist and flew off.

Lois and Clark were shocked. But unfortunately Clark couldn't fly because his powers were weak from the coma.

"Great. Just great" Clark said. "They will be fine. I believe in them" Lois said  

More Than Friends (Jordan and Sarah from Superman and Lois)Where stories live. Discover now