6: Sarah

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Jordan and Sarah quietly walked through the halls of the fortress. It was very dark.

Suddenly, a gush of wind blew in the hall and Sarah went flying into a wall.

"SARAH!" Jordan screamed as he ran over to her. "DAD DID YOU DO THIS?" Jordan yelled hoping that his dad would show up.

"She's human, Jor-el" Superman said darkly. 

Jordan noticed something different about him. His eyes were bright red, he wasn't his father anymore.

Meanwhile at Sarah's house, everyone was frantically looking for Sarah and Jordan.

"First Jordan, now Sarah? What's going on???" Jonathan said.

Lana was an emotional wreck as she was searching every single place for Sarah. 

"Where did she go???" Lana said between tears. "Don't worry. We will find her I promise" Lois said.

Then, Sarah's ex boyfriend walked in. Jonathan went straight up to him and was about to punch him. "WAIT WAIT! I'm just trying to help find Sarah!" He said.

Jonathan scoffed. "Yeah right"

"I know where she went! She followed Jordan Kent who is going to find Morgan edge and try to bring Superman back. Or at least, that's what Sam Lane says" 

Lois lifted her head up at those words. Everything made sense now.

Lana sobbed even more now. More than she already was.

Lois stormed out to go talk to her father.


"Sarah was the one who tracked him. We didn't even know that Jordan was looking for Edge until Sarah gave us this.

Sam handed Lois the letter that Sarah had gotten from Jordan.

Lois was about to scream when she saw that Jordan had told Sarah who their dad was. 

"He's grounded" Lois muttered. "If he and Sarah come back" Sam replied.

Lois ran out of the building and called Jon Henry irons and told him about the situation.

"Dad, why did you do this??" Jordan said while sobbing. "I'm not your dad anymore until you join us, Jor-el" Superman said.

"Stop calling me that!" Jordan barked.

Sarah groaned in pain as she struggled to get up.

"If you care about them so much, then I'll get rid of them in front of you.

Superman shot lasers from his eyes towards Sarah. Jordan thought she was going to die, until...

More Than Friends (Jordan and Sarah from Superman and Lois)Where stories live. Discover now