11: A New Plan

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Edge stood up and acknowledged his surroundings.

"Kal-el? Where are you?!" Edge yelled furiously.

He searched and searched, but couldn't find him anywhere.

Then he went to Clark's house.

Instinct told him to go to Jordan's window. There saw Jordan talking to a girl with curly brown hair. They both seemed rather upset.

"Jordan, he'll wake up. I promise" the girl said in tears as Jordan sobbed.

"The doctors called my mom and said he won't wake up for another 5 years, Sarah" Jordan said sadly while the girl gasped.

"Well thank goodness Morgan edge is dead" the girl said.

Edge knew exactly what was going on. His brother was in a coma.

But he didn't worry cause he had a new plan. He was going to turn Jordan instead.

Hi hammys!

Sorry that this chapter was so short. Vote or comment if you want another chapter and please comment any ideas of what you want to see in the book. Comment a smiley face on what ideas you think are good, and comment a sad or unhappy face on the ones you don't want

Should Sarah get powers?

Should Morgan edge win? (You guys better comment a upset or sad face. Morgan edge shall not win)

Should they make Morgan edge think he'll win but then he dies?

Should Sarah and/or Jordan die?

Plz comment your ideas!

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