13: Rescue

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Sarah and Jon walked into Morgan edge's fortress.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this???" Jon said.

"Wait. I know where he is" Sarah said, holding her arm in front of Jon to stop him from moving.

"Okay boss" Jon said sarcastically. "Hey you want your brother back or not?" Sarah said. Jon nodded and followed Sarah.

Sarah followed her instincts and eventually found Jordan.

"Jordan! Wake up!" Sarah said as quietly as she could.

After repeating that multiple times, Jordan finally woke up.

"Sarah??? You found me!" Jordan said happily as he ran to the end of the cell.

Sarah ripped of the metal bars and placed them down as quietly as she could. She didn't want edge to find out they were there.

Jordan hugged Jon for a bit, then went to Sarah and they kissed.

"Okay, guys. We need to leave before edge finds us" Jon said.

Sarah and Jordan nodded, and they went out. It seemed almost to easy.

Then edge appeared. "Well well well, thought it could be that easy?" Edge said.

Everyone turned to face him in shock. "Sarah take Jon back home and both of you stay there" Jordan said.

Sarah grabbed Jon's wrist and flew back to the Kent house.

"Oh jor-el. Always looking out for the humans. Now you will die with them as punishment for betraying your people, your heritage" edge said.

"No. I won't die until the world is safe from you" Jordan said. He had to stay strong, for the earth. The only planet he ever knew. This planet was his home. And he would defend it no matter what it took.

"Wow. Impressive" edge said sarcastically as he landed on the ground near Jordan.

"I am you uncle," edge started. "Correction, half uncle" Jordan interrupted.

Edge rolled his eyes. "I am you 'half uncle'. I am part of your family. I know what's best for you Jordan" edge said.

"No you don't. All you know how to do is betray your family" Jordan replied. This made edge very upset.

"I did NOT betray them!" Edge snapped. Jordan laughed.

"Oh really? Your mother did not make that tech to destroy other planets. You clearly did betray them. And you hurt my father, your half brother" Jordan started.


"Okay, then that means your not my uncle" Jordan replied. Edge got very angry and Jordan laughed hysterically.

More Than Friends (Jordan and Sarah from Superman and Lois)Where stories live. Discover now