Three: Saving the Day

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(A/N - I am switching back to 3rd Person POV from this chapter onwards which I usually do with all other of my stories. I tried using 1st Person POV for the first two chapters only to realize that it isn't my forte. My deepest apologies to readers if any problem was caused by this change)


Blake's glance shifted from the Rhino Beast who was eating concrete at the moment to the one who launched the elemental attack on the said beast.

His savior was clad in blue and white, skin tight long-sleeved shirt that tucks into his yellow gloves. Along with that he wore dark pants, white boots and sports a signature helmet that features a fish-like fin along with a visor.

"Hey! Its the Normal Hero Manual!" One of the city residents cheers, a feeling of hope in his voice evident from his raised volume.

Even though an unfortunate death already transpired before them, indicating to the departmental store owner, the arrival of a Hero changed the atmosphere completely upside down. A mere presence had this much effect on the masses. From the hopeless feeling of not being able to get out of this mess unscathed, the people now were full of hope.

"Are you okay there young man?" Manual lend out his right hand to a still dazed Blake who was on his left knee from the sheer strength of the Beast. His left hand seemed to controlling the water fist, the water having emerged from a manhole nearby.

Other local heroes of Manual's Agency went over to the citizens and mostly the places which had been turned into debris by the Beast for rescuing the trapped and injured citizens. They were quick in action and seemed to moving in perfect sync with serious expressions in the face of crisis.

The heroes had to keep this facade on their faces so that they can assure the citizens that the danger to their life is no more and they can leave their fate in the hands of the heroes. It is for the benefit of citizens that heroes keep their emotions behind their masks so that they are able to assure the people of their safety.

Blake gladly accepted the help from the Pro Hero, snapping out of his daze. Making contact with the teen, Manual could feel the power flowing through the young Hayate which signified that the buff hadn't died down.

"Thanks...." Was all Blake could utter as he kept his gaze fixated at the hero in front of him. HIs aim standing right in front of him. The aim he is working so hard for. For one moment he even forgot the fact that he had been admitted into the Business Course of U.A. and not the Hero Course.

"You held out great in there. You were calm even in face of danger." Manual complimented him, giving him a thumbs up. "You have a markings of a Hero. Being calm and being able to prevent causalities is the first step."

Calm? Blake knew he was far from calm. Fear had already taken over him, freezing him on the spot unable to move any of his limbs on his own.

"I don't know about preventing.." Blake begin but Manual interrupted him by pointing at the PC Café behind him

"Look behind."

Blake noticed that the owner and a few gamers who were of his age and some older were still inside, cowering in fear under the computer tables, waiting to be rescued by the heroes.

If Blake hadn't stopped the Beast in it's tracks, another disaster could have happened. The boy felt elated seeing he was actually able to aid people in time of crisis for the first time in his life after getting his quirk. Also he was able to feel actual fear and face off against the fear and an actual villain as well.

"I did that right? I protected them right?" The sight and the feat still seemed unbelievable to someone who is full of confidence and stubbornness.

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