Six: Blake's Lunch Strategy

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Nine-year old Blake ran down the hallways of his mansion with the biggest grin on his face. He was covered in dirt and a few bruises but that didn't matter to him anymore. He had finally mastered the concept on how his quirk actually worked and wanted to show it everyone. He wore a white half-sleeved t-shirt which got a few brown dirt marks and a pair of dark shorts. Held tightly in his hands were a few coins.

"Mom! Dad! Brother!"

He ran around, yelling out to all of them. It was a big accomplishment on his part and luckily his father was at home too. The young Hayate couldn't hold it in at all.

He skidded to a halt when he noticed his mother, Keira Hayate walking down with an annoyed expression which Blake figured was from his constant yelling but he could care any less about that.

Along with her was a pale skinned girl of seven with long, auburn hair and light teal eyes. She wore a white long sleeved shirt with a red ribbon around the collar along with a red checkered skirt. The girl shared the auburn hair with her mother, though her mother had brown eyes unlike her light teal ones.

"Mom! I fin--"

"Blake.." Keira coldly interrupted him while sporting a disgusted face on seeing him bruised and specs of dirt on him. "You do know that I am nor yours nor your brother's mother."

"Yes..." Blake's grin slowly faded.

"And what have I told you about calling me mother?"

"To not to call you that."

"Your brother understands this so why can't you?"

Well of course his big brother would understand the adult stuff. He is four years older than and mature which Blake at his current age isn't. One can't expect him to understand everything. For as long as he remembered Keira was married to his father so legally she is his mother. That should be the case right?

"It's just that you are married to my father--"

"I don't care about that." She snapped once again interrupting him. "Rika is my only child here! You are not my child."

Of course Blake knew that. He knows that his mother or much better term step-mother loves only her daughter who stood beside her with a smug face. Even if she isn't his biological mother, he can at least expect some motherly affection from her, can't he?

"Yeah yeah..." Keeping his emotions in check and masking them under his grinning face, he spoke up again. He ignored the words of his step-mother which played in his mind. "I finally figured how to use my quirk!"

"You have a quirk?" Rika spoke up, a look of surprise and curiosity on her face. "You are lying."

"I know I figured it a little late but I always had this quirk.." Blake replied puffing out his chest in pride.

"Whatever it is won't be any better than Rika's quirk.." Keira huffed not even wanting to see it. Her husband is quirkless and so is her older stepson. Even if Blake did awaken his quirk, it would be no match for her daughter.

"Let's see brother, what quirk you have..." A sneer broke out on Rika's visage while she opened her palms. Shadows begin collected themselves in her hands before taking shape of claws.

Blake grinned to himself. This would be a good chance to show off his skills. Two coins disappeared from his hands and he could feel the power running in him already. He had saved the remaining coins because he still has to show his quirk to his father and brother.

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