Seventeen: The Extras Quartet

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The letters Cavalry Battle flashed brightly on the holographic screen and the participants that managed to get past the first round begin murmuring among themselves about what and how this round will be played. Some commented that they are bad at it while there were those that wondered how the judges would be judging them on this round. The earlier round was pretty simple but this one might be tricky.

"Let me explain the rules of this game." Midnight turned around and the display on the screen changed. "The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It is basically the same as a regular cavalry battle."

A regular cavalry battle was a game played in teams where the players had to be joined together with one of their teammates sitting on top as if riding a chariot and fight against other teams. Break their formation or make them fall on the ground meant victory. It was that simple.

But knowing U.A. things cannot be simple as that at all. There has to be a catch even in a simple game like a Cavalry Battle. If taken into consideration that the obstacles in the Obstacle Race weren't your usual, average obstacles then one can pretty much count on it that the Cavalry Battle will be worth watching for the audience.

"....But the only one thing that's different is.." And here was the spice to the mix everyone had been waiting for. "....based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a pint value."

"A point system like the entrance exam, huh?" A tall and well-built student commented. "That's easy to understand."

"In other words, each team is worth different points depending on who's on the team." A brown-haired girl with round, pink cheeks deduced.

"You guys don't hold back when I am talking, do you!?" Midnight suddenly snapped, not pleased at all with the students figuring out the rules all by themselves. Then what is even her role. No one told them to be over-smart. Straightening her glasses she continued. "Yes, that's right. And the points assigned go up by 5 starting from the bottom."

'Big brain ends up with 5...great job..' Blake rolled his eyes, seeing his best friend was dead last in finishing the race. He had always been a slowpoke when it came to athletics and would rather sit out if allowed to do so. Still it was commendable that he managed to be in top 42 among all the First Years. '190 for myself...good enough and Pinkie ended up with 65...If I do my math right then we three make a total of 260..'

"And the point value assigned to the first place is.....10 million points.."

Did she just say 10 fucking million?!

One thought ran in everybody's mind almost at the same time. Whichever teams nabs the 10 million points from the first placeholder's team automatically secures themselves the first place and qualifies for the next round. This also meant that the one holding the 10 million points now has the biggest target on their back. No one here would want to risk their positions by forming a team with the first place holder.

It was the survival of the fittest and now those in the bottom have a chance to be at the top. That is what this rule in the competition said loud and clear.

'There are two ways of approaching this situation. Either go for high risks with unsure rate of return or opt for low risk with surefire rate of return..' The indigo-haired teen begin thinking with an investment point of view. The situation is similar to when a person a trying to invest a huge sum at some investment policy or scheme. They would need to decide carefully and pick whatever option seems correct to them after thorough analysis and judgement.

He might choose whatever way he can as long as he makes sure that he gives his all in the end. 'Let's see what more rules they have..'

"Fifteen minutes is allotted to make your teams. Each team is worth the total of its members' points and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will have to try and grab each other's headbands until time runs out and try to secure as many points as they can."

MHA: Glittering GoldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora