Chapter 7: Everything But A Mystery (Rewrite)

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"So this is your new bodyguard?" asked the curious heiress of the Sitri family. "And your brother, hire her from?"

"It's a secret... But either way, I don't need a bodyguard to begin with! I mean, we've just won our battle against Kokabiel, what do I need a bodyguard for since my peerage has already proven themselves!" complained the heiress of the Gremory family. "No offense to you,"

"None was taken," Rei replied.

Right now, a group of a teenager that isn't humans were in their secret meeting in the Occult Club, to discuss certain things about what just happened to their boss. Though, to Rei's dislike, her idiot twin brother got caught up with his job, that he left her alone with her contractor. She doesn't mind much, yet he still chooses his bloody job over his sister! For crying out loud, but this also benefits her to a landslide, because without her idiot twin interfering with her... What seen to be an interview, she can start her introduction with an easy start without him, being a pain in the ass around her.

"So this bodyguard of yours... What skill and abilities, does she even possess that your currently know?" Sona asked.

"Well... For now, I'm completely clueless mostly because my brother, didn't specify what sort of abilities Miss Rei has here, or even possesses," Rias replies here question.

"You got to be kidding me," Sona uttered.

"What! This time, it's his fault for not telling me the detail," Rias defend herself.

While the two heiresses were bickering with each other, the peerage that they own was standing behind them. With clueless and curious expressions, they have on their face when they hear that their boss, is just suddenly out of nowhere. Got a bodyguard, because her older brother worried too much about her safety.

"So that's Banchou's new bodyguard," Asia said in awe.

"I'm still wondering, why her brother even hire one," Koneko said.

"Ara~ come now, isn't it the older brother's responsibility to take care of her little sister," Akeno said.

"Yeah... Sure," Koneko grim, remembering the memories she had with her elder sister.

"But why though!? I mean, aren't we strong enough to protect Banchou, from danger? We did beat Kokabiel back then, who was planning to blow up the entire town of Kuoh," Issei retorted the idea, for once he was on to something.

"I'm with Issei on this one," Kiba agreed with his teammate.

"But it's an order, from her elder brother, also she's one of the Assassin that came from the Order..." Xenovia the new member of the peerage said, but she grim with the last part of her words.

"The heck, is Order?" Issei asked.

"They are an underground organization, that controls the entire underworld, I mean, not the real underworld that both heiress and devils derive from... Rather, they are a famous and massive organization that is away under the shadow, unknown to the upper world. Yet they are famous, throughout the entire Supernatural world, for many different kinds of reasons. One of them regards the economy of each pantheon of the Supernatural world, they are much more fearsome when it came to clashing with politic and economy, rather than with violence and power,"

"Though, despite being known for only clashing against other Supernatural factions, with only both politic and economy. This guy, also control, the entire upper world and some part of the Supernatural world in their hand," Akeno continue the explanation from her dear Kohai, to further widen Issei and Asia's knowledge of how the world work. "But, even if the entire organization consists of only humans, they aren't to be underestimated, because some of them. Are also, responsible for the 'Massacre of Bloodlines' that happened 30 years ago,"

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