chapter 34: help have arive

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After the yesterday event the devil was shock at how was a servant summonning actually look like but right now they are face with another problem at their hand

kuoh academy was now on threat by kokabiel what he want to achive is to break another great war between the three factions again

Since he already plan a way to start the war by killing the two heiress of the gremony and sitri family with this he will be able to spark fire at the factions and blame it toward the fallen angel factions for their heiress death

From preventing the city to be involed with their battle Sona and her perage use all their magic to make the barier while rias and her perage must need to win the fight against kokabiel

"Issei i want you to use your empowerment skill to boost us all"rias said

"Alright let me do it!"Issei shout

"Good we gonna buy time until Issei able to use his power and Issei do your best"
Rias said

Right now they are battle were in offensive they would try to cover and give Issei as much as they can until he ready with his power up ability but they still need to dodge his destruccion skill

so they decided to go inside the school
building in order to dodge the attack kokabiel fire multiple attack toward the school while the devil try to dodge the incoming attack and not get kill

"This fight is far more different then we had with raiser mostly because our life is in line now and we don't have the sibling help but i won't let any of you to lose your life"rias said

As the group leave the school building they saw a golden magical circle floating in the air

"What is that"Asia ask

"Valper galilei is trying to merge the three stolen excalibur fragment look like that men finally able to achive his dream"kokabiel said with a grin

"Kokabiel"rias said

Then kokabiel feel a powerfull surge of murderous aura is coming toward them in high speed

"Is it sirzechs coming or serafall is it or maybe it your friends who is much stronger than all of you put together" kokabiel said with a grin

"To bad you have to settle with us for now"rias said

Kokabiel snap his finger summonning a big light spear he shot the spear toward where Issei was the light spear din't hit him but it cause a big explosion that Destroy the intere gym and leave a huge creater on the ground

"Thay was boring"kokabiel said

"You kidding right"Issei said

"You are getting it under your skin partner"Ddraig said

"But i've never see light spear that big before you already know"Issei said

"You right there no comparison between you two in the end he fought against god and maou and he came out alive"Ddraig said

"Can we really win against such a monster"Issei said

"When the time come i will make your body like a dragon and then you will have a chance"Ddraig said

"Most of it you say so he's on that level huh"Issei said with a grin and fear

"Since were already here how about i let you play with my pets"kokabiel said

As three magic circle eppear on the ground that turn into a creater then they saw that there was three big three headed monster dog they have red eye and there droll is actually fire

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