The start

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I slinked into a store to avoid that cop from seeing me. I pulled down the bill of my baseball cap as I moved around a clothing store. People were shopping as my eyes scanned the clothing racks, landing on a teen girl. She pushed hangers back and forth, not paying attention to her surroundings.

I walked around the racks pretending to check out items as the girl moved to other shelves and headed towards the store's back. Each store had an exit towards the back. I moved toward clothes hanging on the back wall and glanced at the girl. She removed clothes, held them up, and replaced them on the rack. I inched towards her until a woman walked over to her. I retreated and exited the store while blending in with locals.

Lakewood was having a festival which meant unsuspecting people would attend. The Lakewood Serial Killer made a mistake with the locals, which is why he got caught. I wouldn't make the same mistake.

I kept my head down and a brisk walk, passing people along the way. My eyes scanned the area. People talked and laughed as I dodged people walking past me. Then I darted down the alley until I reached a door, pulled it open, and disappeared inside.

If that cop kept snooping around, I wouldn't hesitate to end her life. I had plans.

Lakewood Serial Killer

I laid on my bed as something got shoved under my concrete door. I swung my legs over the side of my bed, rose, and shuffled over to the door. I swiped the envelope off the floor, then opened it. I pulled out the contents and sat down on my bed.

I know that you have been receiving my letters. You choose to ignore me, but you won't forget my messages now. Unlike you, I'm careful.

Your narcissistic behavior caused you to get caught by the cops. Since you refuse to answer my letters, I wanted you to know that I've studied all your work.

I can't wait to reveal it.

I glanced at the bottom. The same person has been sending me letters without a signature. I've received countless letters from people, including fans of my work. When you spend countless hours in solitary confinement, you think.

I declined a trial jury. It wouldn't matter because the media had influenced the jury. The judge sentenced me to solitary confinement, deeming me psychotic. I was a menace to society and other prisoners. I'm no more a menace than the majority of people who walk free.

I tapped on the little door inside my cell door. The door flung open as a guard looked through the hole at me.


"Is that any way to greet your long-term prisoner?" A smirked curved on my lips.

"It isn't a hotel or resort."

"I'm aware." I shrugged. "I need to dictate a letter since I'm not allowed to have writing utensils."

"Who would you send a letter to? You receive no visitors."

I narrowed my eyes and smiled. "I want to send a letter to Lieutenant Weston. It's time that we kissed and made up."

"You want to write the Chief of Lakewood a letter? Are you insane?"

I shifted from foot to foot and slouched. "The judge deemed me psychotic. What do you think?"

"Fine, but one letter." The guard shut the small door.

I had nothing but time in this hellhole. A few minutes later, the small door opened.

"Alright. I'm ready," the guard said.

"Dear Lieutenant Weston, I hope this letter finds you well. I figure you would want to know how I'm doing. Solitary confinement gives you much time to think. You think about the beating heartbeats walking around waiting for their life to cease to exist."

The guard stopped writing.


The guard inhaled and pressed the pen tip to the paper.

"It seems that someone thinks they can match my work. The person can't. Is your daughter still exquisite? I bet she grew into a beautiful woman. I wouldn't mind meeting her since you didn't introduce us. If you would like to know more about the copycat, then send your daughter to meet me. She's the only one I will talk to regarding this matter. Yours truly, The Lakewood Serial Killer."

The guard quit writing. "Is that everything?"

"It's enough for Lieutenant Weston." A smiled curved upon my lips.

The guard closed the small door as I strolled over to my bed and laid down. I've spent ten years in solitary confinement. Most people lose their mind in here. You can't lose something you didn't have in the beginning. I whistled while lying on my bed.

It was a matter of time before the killings started again. I would enjoy watching them squirm, trying to figure out the game of cat and mouse.


Two girls stepped out of a tavern and split from each other. I stalked one girl as she strolled to her car. I pulled a knife from my back jean pocket and pressed a button. The blade flicked as I reached the girl and covered her mouth with my free hand.

The blade slid across her neck like butter. I released my hand and spun her as her eyes bulged from her sockets. She reached for me, gripping her neck. I stepped backward as she stepped towards me. The girl dropped to her knees as a gurgle erupted from her throat. Her body withered on the ground until it stopped moving with her eyes opened.

I grabbed the body's ankle and dragged it across the parking lot to the docks. I positioned the body, then tied it to the railing.

The Lakewood Serial Killer didn't create artwork with his victims. He was sloppy. I prefer live people to display my artwork. It satisfies my creativity.

A smile curled upon my lips as I strutted away, whistling.


After meeting Abby for dinner, I headed home. When I arrived home, I unlocked the door and flicked a switch. Damon was right. Most of the cold cases were petty crimes. I figured I would have exciting police work than a purse snatcher.

I locked my door, then went to take a bath. I ran the water, filling the tub with hot water. Then I turned off the faucet, undressed, climbed into the tub, then sunk into the water. I rubbed my face and relaxed as my phone rang. Ugh.

I grabbed a towel off the towel bar and wrapped it around my body. I trudged out into the living room and answered my phone.


"Hey, Dad. What's up?"

Mrs. Cleary called and said someone was messing around on the docks.

I glanced at the time on my phone. "It's eleven o'clock."

I know, but your mom has me securing the house. Charlie and Joe are busy. I'll send the new officer to meet you at the docks.

"Shouldn't the new officer get acclimated to the station before you send them out?"

The new officer has years of experience with detective work.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "Fine. Give me thirty minutes, then I'll call you with an update." I hung up with Dad and got dressed. There goes my hot bath.

After locking up my house, I got into my car. The drive to the docks took me fifteen minutes. I pulled in, grabbed a flashlight from my trunk, then walked towards the pier as someone crouched on the boards. A lone light shone from a boathouse towards the dock. I lifted the flashlight and clicked it.

"Identify yourself."

The person stood and turned to face me as my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. A chill ran all over my body.

"Hey, Malia."


Before we spoke, I inhaled the scent of blood. I turned and shined the light on a girl strapped to the railing in a pose. What the hell?

Lakewood: The Copycat KillerWhere stories live. Discover now