What the frick?

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My car came to a screeching halt as I jumped out and raced inside. When I saw movement, I pulled my gun. "Freeze!"

"Ahhhh!" Niko screamed, dropping a bag. "Don't shoot!"

I lowered my gun. "Niko?"


A few minutes later, Damon, Abby, and Malia arrived.

"Is everyone okay?" Damon asked.

I holstered my gun. "Yeah."

Niko picked up the garbage bag. "Would someone tell me why Luka ran in here like the Wild West?"

"Because I got a call from the killer."


"He was in your house."

Niko's eyes widened as he dropped the garbage bag.


"Is Niko okay?" I listened to Malia as Joe and Charlie sat in my office. "Stay with him. Tomorrow, you and I will discuss disobeying orders." I hung up the phone and tossed it onto my desk.

"What happened?" Joe asked.

"It seemed Luka received a call from the killer claiming to be in Niko's house."

Joe sat forward.

"Luka showed up with his gun drawn and scared the shit out of Niko."

Joe placed his hand on his face. "My son is trigger happy."

Charlie chuckled. I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my chin.

"What are you thinking, Gabe?" Charlie asked.

"It's a hunch and might not mean anything." I got up and grabbed a stack of envelopes from the top of the filing cabinet. I opened each envelope and read each letter. Then something caught my eye. I handed a note to Charlie. He read it, then handed it to Joe.

"Are you thinking the Lakewood Serial Killer knows the killer?" Charlie asked me.

"The Lakewood Serial Killer had eluded capture and taunted us. Who's to say he doesn't have someone trying to finish what he started?"

"What would he have to gain by orchestrating the killings? He's on death row in solitaire confinement."

"Plus, he won't speak to anyone but Malia," Joe said.

I looked at Joe and Charlie. As much as I wanted to keep Malia from the Lakewood Serial Killer, I couldn't. But this time, I would accompany her to visit the Lakewood Serial Killer.


After calming Niko down, I headed home. Luka followed me. I unlocked the front door to my house, and we entered. I relocked the door and tossed my keys on the table next to the front door.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a pop from the fridge, and handed one to Luka.


I sat down at the table as Luka joined me. "Why would the killer show up at Niko's house and not doing anything?"

"He's toying with us."

I moved my pop can around in my hands.

"The killer mentioned knowing me in high school."

I glanced at Luka. "Yeah, but you came to Lakewood before our senior year."

"So did you, Damon, and Abby. Niko was living here before we arrived."

I leaned on the table and supported my head with my hand.

"Not to change the subject, but we should talk about what happened earlier."

I looked at Luka and opened my mouth. Then my phone rang. Save by the phone. I answered my cell.

"Hey, Dad."

Malia, I'll pick you up tomorrow.


We're going to the prison.


My dad hung up.

"What?" Luka asked.

"My dad is picking me up to take me to the prison tomorrow."

Luka's brows raised, then knitted. "Is that a good idea?"

"If it helps us catch a killer, then yes."


I rose from my seat as Luka got to his feet. "Luka, I spent years chasing a ghost. Every day, the Lakewood Serial Killer haunts my dreams. Innocent people died while I lived. I can't have blood on my hands again."

"Is that what you think?"

"It's what I know."

"Malia, you didn't cause those deaths. The Lakewood Serial Killer toyed with all of us."

I looked Luka in the eyes. Guilt is a horrible feeling. It eats at you.

"Come here." Luka pulled me to him.

I wrapped my arms around him as he held me.

"We'll find the killer. I promise you." Luka rubbed my back.

I nodded. Tomorrow would prove eventful when I saw the Lakewood Serial Killer again.


After making sure Malia was okay, I left to head home. My phone rang on my way to the car.


Detective Bennett, you disappoint me.

I clenched my jaw as I held the phone to my ear.

You spent how many years chasing me? And you still haven't caught me. The voice laughed on the other end. How many more people will die before you realize what a failure you are as a cop?

"I will find you if it's that last thing I do."

You think so? The festival is coming to town. People will die, and you won't stop me. They will suffer the same fate others did years ago.

I listened to the killer, then turned the tables on him. "You seem confident."

Confidence has nothing to do with it, Detective. I know you. You're cocky like you were in high school. People feared you, but I didn't. I watched you while you focused on others. Do you know what your biggest downfall is?

"No. Why don't you tell me?"

Why you focus your attention on others, another victim befalls you.

"If you're so self-assured that you know everything about me, why don't you show yourself?"

What fun would that be? I enjoy our game of cat and mouse. No matter what you do, you'll never catch me.


I lowered my phone and closed my eyes. If it were the last thing I did, I would find this sonofabitch.

Lakewood: The Copycat KillerWhere stories live. Discover now