Going about business

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I scanned the fairgrounds for any unusual activity. I walked toward the funhouse and checked it out. Both killers slipped in without anyone noticing them. What was I missing?

Something shiny caught my eye. I picked it up and studied it. I don't remember seeing a ring. I examined the details and noticed it was a class ring. Why would someone drop a class ring near the funhouse?

A festival worker came out of the funhouse.

"Excuse me?"

The guy turned to me.

I showed him my badge hooked to my belt. "Do you mind if I take a look inside?"

"The crew is setting up right now, but I don't mind."

"Thanks." I climbed the steps and entered the funhouse as the workers were rigging the attraction. I checked the walls, the floor, and the doors.

Workers moved around and climbed ladders as I weaved around them until I came to the entrance. There's an entrance and an exit as customers make their way through the funhouse attraction. But it doesn't account for an emergency exit.

I rubbed my chin and contemplated how both killers entered, but one left without anyone seeing him, especially if it was dark. Then I noticed a worker enter through a different door and walked over to him. "Excuse me?"

The worker stopped and looked at me.

"Where does this door lead?" I pointed at the door behind him.

"It leads to a hallway toward an exit. It's how we change outfits to relieve someone for their break."

"Do you mind if I check it out?"

"No, go ahead."


I opened the door, entered the lit hallway, and walked toward an exit sign. After pushing on the handle, it opened and led outside. I checked around and noticed black scuff marks on the steps. That's how the killer escaped without anyone catching him.

I looked around, saw a trash can, and walked over to it.


After wandering around the festival grounds, I noticed Malia with her ass sticking up in the air at a trash can. I chuckled and shook my head before walking over to her. "Malia? What are you doing?"

"Hang on," Malia grunted until she stepped on the ground, pulled herself out of the trash can, and held up a cellphone. "Found it."

"Found what?"

"The copycat killer's cell phone. The Lakewood serial killer tossed it after using it. It's dead, but I'm sure we can charge it and pull data from it."

I glanced into the trash can and found a plastic bag. Malia tossed the cellphone into the bag. Then I tied it.

"So, I did a walkthrough of the funhouse. There's an entrance and exit for customers. But follow me." Malia waved for me to follow her.

We walked to another door.

"This door leads to a hallway for the workers so they can take a break or change outfits."

"So the Lakewood Serial Killer killed the copycat killer in the funhouse and used the employee exit to escape?"

"Check out the black scuff marks on the steps." Malia pointed to the steps.

I crouched and examined the scuff marks, then glanced at the trash can's location. I climbed the steps, opened the door, and walked through the hallway until I landed in the funhouse.

Workers entered from both entrance and exit as they carried items inside. If the killers both dressed as workers, no one would suspect them. I turned and timed the movements from the entry to the employee's door. It didn't make sense.

We found blood outside but the body inside. I rubbed my jaw as I left through the exit and looked at the exact spot of the killing. Then I looked closer and saw drops of blood leading to the exit. I followed it inside, turned, and hurried to the employee door. I opened it, ran down the hallway, exited, then walked past the trash can.

Malia was right to a point. The Lakewood Serial killer killed James outside, dragged his body inside, exited the employee hallway, and dumped the phone in the trash can. The time frame lines up.

"So?" Malia asked.

"The killer is toying with us. He wants us to think he outsmarted us. That means he could be roaming anywhere on the festival grounds, watching us."

"The Lakewood Serial Killer is waiting to see what our next move is."

I nodded. Malia was right. To catch a killer, you need to think like one.

Lakewood Serial Killer

I watched from a distance as Detectives Weston and Bennett retraced my handiwork. A smile curved on my lips. I should give them an incentive as a gift.

I strode along the festival grounds with my hands in my pockets until I found rope lying on a table. I snatched it as I made my way toward the Ferris wheel. A worker tested it, ensuring it worked adequately, then walked away.

My eyes darted to the porta johns. I watched a woman enter and close the door. I took brisk strides toward it and stopped at a hand washing station. I washed my hands as the door opened. The woman stepped out and walked around behind it. I flung the water from my hands and traveled on my path.

I slipped past people and the porta-johns and followed the woman. Once she turned the corner, I picked up my pace, pulled out the rope, threw it around her neck, and tugged her to me. The woman grabbed the rope as I yanked, pressing the rope into her skin and cutting off her airflow. Within minutes, the woman's hands fell and dangled. Now to provide a show for the detectives.


Damon collected the bag with the cell phone to take it back to the sheriff's office. We started walking as screams erupted. Luka, Damon, and I rushed toward the screams and saw a crowd of people surrounding the Ferris wheel.

We reached the Ferris wheel and stopped as a body dangled from a basket. Dad, Charlie, and Joe arrived to contain the crime scene. Dad barked orders as Luka and Damon took care of the crowd.

My eyes darted around as someone walked in the distance. I took a step as the person stopped, turned their head slightly, and smirked. A breeze brushed against my hair as I moved hair strands from my face.

My phone rang. I answered it and placed it against my ear.

Did you enjoy my gift?

I walked away from the crowd. "You're here."

That was a preview, Detective Weston. The festival starts in two days. If you ignore my request, more people will die.

"You won't succeed."

We'll see about that. Remember to come alone. If you think about telling anyone, your mother is next. Now be a good detective and follow directions—tick tock.

Before I had a chance to speak, the killer ended the call. I lowered my phone.


I glanced at Luka.

"What is it?"

I blink and shook my head. I couldn't alert my dad or tell anyone. Either I show alone or my mom dies.

My phone beeped with a message. I opened it to a video of my mom in the house. I looked at the time and date stamp from earlier today. Oh, God.

A text message popped up.

If you think I'm lying, think again. Come alone.

I looked at Luka as he furrowed his brows. It looks like The Lakewood Serial Killer and I were having a showdown.

Lakewood: The Copycat KillerWhere stories live. Discover now