Abby to the rescue

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After investigating the crime scene, I took the evidence to Abby. I walked into her lab, carrying the box of plastic evidence bags. She was sitting at her desk when I set the box on the table.

"Ooh, do we have a crime?" Abby got up and walked over to me.

"Do you consider two murders a crime?"

Abby's eyes widened as her face lit up. "Finally, I have interesting evidence other than petty crimes to investigate. It's about damn time!"

"It's disturbing that you get giddy over a murder."

"I've been dying to examine murder evidence."

I cocked my head and squinted my eyes at Abby.

Abby rolled her eyes. "No pun intended." She pulled bags from the box so that she could process the evidence. "So, I heard our favorite cop transferred to Lakewood."

I arched my brow.

"Okay, it's not difficult to figure out who the new cop is when our Dads work together."

"Did everyone know about Luka transferring to Lakewood?"

"No. Have you met my brother and Niko? Damon was too busy hiding from the truth. Niko spends more time researching for a book than living in the real world. They are made for each other."

I giggled.

"Simon is busy with the comic book shop. Then you have me. The expert on all things Luka and Malia." Abby grinned.

I shook my head.

"So, did you get butterflies when you saw Luka?"

"No, more like the urge to throw something at him."

Abby's brows lifter as she puckered her lips.

"Luka can even give me a practical reason for staying in Chicago except for his job kept him busy. I'm not buying his lame-ass excuse."

"Well, that doesn't surprise me since Luka used the lame-ass excuse that he needed a tutor in high school."

I groaned.

"How about dinner at my house tonight?"

"You're not trying to set me up again, are you?" I narrowed my eyes.

Abby put her hand on her chest. "I would never try to set you up."

"Liar. You tried to set me up many times."

"Well, none of those setups worked out. Count your blessings. But no. Simon is inviting a friend over for dinner."

"Is this friend male?"

"Beats me." Abby shrugged. "My husband looks for any way to drum up business."

"Fine, but it had better not be a setup."

Abby smiled.

Why did this feel like a setup?


My phone rang, and I answered it. After speaking to the person for a few minutes, I hung up.

"I have to leave."

Damon squinted his eyes at me. "We're in the middle of a murder investigation."

"I think I have a lead. I'll be back." I left the room as Damon stood there, confused. Yeah, I got a lead on a rare comic book.

I called Simon in the car for directions to his store. I drove, then parallel parked in front of his store. I got out and looked at the sign, Unusual Comics, and Collectibles.

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