It seems like old times

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I called Dad to tell him about our discovery. The phone call didn't go well.

"Thanks for telling me the name of the new officer."

Mal, all personal files are confidential. Plus, Luka has ten years of experience in homicides.

"Damon and I have been waiting for this type of case. You assigned us to cold cases."

We haven't had this type of case in ten years. I can assign you to a case if we don't have one. Charlie and I will be there shortly.

Dad hung up as I shook my head. I walked over to Luka, examining the crime scene.

"The person must have dragged the body from another location since there are traces of blood." Luke shined a light on the trail of blood.

"Well, at least, the victim's death was quick and not dragged out for ten years."

Luka stopped and blinded me with the light as I crossed my arms. Yeah, I'm salty and don't care. It's been ten years since I've seen or heard from Luka. He didn't even end our relationship with it's over but ceased communication.


"It doesn't matter. You made yourself loud and clear."

I pivoted on my heels and walked towards the body.

"It's not like I planned to call."

I tried to ignore Luka's excuses.

"My job kept me busy."

Are you freaking kidding me? Who the hell uses that excuse?

"After the academy, I got a job at the precinct and studied for my detective examines. Walking the beat sucks when you become a cop."

"I wouldn't know." I wouldn't look at Luka.

"Malia, I never planned to stay in Chicago. I wanted to hone my skills before returning."

My face snapped in Luka's direction. "Ten years, Luka. Ten years of you being gone without a phone call or letter."

"It's not my fault. You're a cop and know how the job occupies your time."

"Are you kidding me? Do not use the job as an excuse! You had ten fucking years!"

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to know why! Why leave with the assumption you were coming back? You left!"

I'm not sure Luka and me yelling at each other on the dock was a great idea.

"Would someone care to tell me why you're yelling at a crime scene?"

We stopped and saw Dad with Charlie. Well, shit.

"We had a difference of an opinion," I said.

"Well, take care of your differences later. You're cops. Start acting like it."

I pouted.

"Since you're both having issues, you can work through your issues together."

My arms dropped. "What do you mean?"

"I'm assigning both of you to this case."

My eyes widened as Luka put his hands on his waist.

"Why can't Damon help me?"

"Who says Damon won't help you?"

I opened my mouth.

"I'm giving Luka lead on the case since he has worked homicide in Chicago."

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