Staying one step ahead

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After receiving the video and message from the Lakewood Serial Killer, I needed to change tactics and stay one step ahead of him. That's easier said than done.

While the others canvas the surrounding area of the festival grounds, I returned to the station with Damon. He could pull data from the cellphone, and I could check Dad's files on the Lakewood Serial Killer.

I walked into the storage room and searched the storage boxes until my eyes landed on one for the Lakewood Serial Killer. I grabbed the box, set it on the table, lifted the lid, and pulled out files and evidence.

After laying the contents on the table, I scoured through them. Most victims were female, teens to early twenties, with a slender build and brunette hair. I blew a puff of air past my lips and grabbed a box from Luka's mom, Gail Bennett.

I pulled out the contents and looked through them until I held up a picture of Gail and studied it. Gail didn't fit any description of the Lakewood Serial Killer's victims. I lay the photograph down and pondered the link.

A few minutes later, Damon strolled into the room and sat down at the table with me. He picked up a photograph, glanced at it, then lay it down. "Are we back to history?"

"No, I'm trying to figure out the connection between Gail and the Lakewood Serial Killer."

"I thought the killer had mommy issues."

I handed a photo of Gail to Damon. "Take a look at Gail."

Damon examined the photo.

I handed him a photo of the killer's victims. "Now look at his victim."

Damon's eyes darted between both photographs. "The killer's victim doesn't have the same features as Gail."


Damon's eyes lifted to me. "But his victims have the same features as you."

I crumpled my brows.

Damon lay the pictures on the table. "Malia, there's a reason the killer targeted his victims, and you're the link."

"But why? I didn't come to Lakewood until my senior year in high school."

"But you visited during the summers when our families spent time up here together. Remember when our dads would vacation together?"

"Yeah, but I never thought about it. Joe would invite us. Then it stopped after Gail died."

"What do you remember about your visits?"

"Not much. I remember going swimming and playing with other kids." I shrugged, trying to recall our visits.

"Do you remember the kids? Because I don't, mom and dad would drag us here every summer until we stopped. Abby would beg my dad to return."


"My sister is weird." Damon shrugged his shoulders.

I chortled.

"Abby would drag me on weird expeditions to figure out a mystery. One time, she wanted to figure out why a squirrel got hit by a car. Uh, because it's stupid and darted in front of a car."

I couldn't help but laugh.

A few minutes later, someone yelled. "Is anyone here?"

"Speak of the devil," Damon said.

I shook my head as we headed to the front to meet Abby. She walked to the back with us, carrying a laptop case. She went down to Charlie's office, unpacked the laptop, opened it, and plugged in the cellphone. After a few strokes of the keys, she uploaded the data from the phone to the computer.

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