Teaching Magic~

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"This is too hard, can't we take a break?" Y/N spoke in exhaustion. The whole part of Y/N wanting to learn magic was exciting, but the practice was not. "You wanted to learn magic so here we are," Sylvie responded with crossed arms. Y/N rolled her eyes with a small grin on her face. "Yeah well, I didn't know it was supposed to be this difficult,"

She walks slowly over to the bench, resting underneath the shade. It was hot as ever outside, at least 39 degrees (Celsius). She patted the bench indicating for Sylvie to sit down, which she does slowly as sweat drips down her neck. The cool shade felt nice on both of their skin. Soon both let the temperature of the shade take them over.

"When I was younger, my mother always forced me to practice magic, no matter what the temperature was outside," Sylvie spoke putting her hand on Y/N's.  "Really? I don't know if I should feel bad for you or thankful,". Sylvie chuckled at this statement while memories of her peaceful childhood ran through her mind. "Thankful I would say, it saved my ass in the future," Sylvie responded resting her tired head on Y/N's shoulder.

Both lovers sat in silence as they enjoyed the hot summer breeze. The only sound was their breathing and heart beats racing, that's when Y/N cut the silence. "Why don't we get back to the magic then," "What? Suddenly my story changed your mind?" Sylvie responded pulling Y/N up, who followed while intently rolling her eyes with a grin.

"Okay, remember, the first step is to get into position," Sylvie said as she nodded towards Y/N who followed instructions. Her left foot was diagonal from her right. Legs both slightly bent as her arms were almost fully raised. "Good, now keep your arms there and focus," "Like this?" Y/N said while keeping her eyes on her hands. Sylvie slowly walked towards her and stood behind.

Y/N could feel Sylvies front pressed ever so slightly against her back, heat radiating off both. The cool breath from Sylvie hitting the back of Y/N's neck. The 39° weather was so hot that even the air of someone else's breath on your neck was cold.

Y/N could feel shivers run down her spine and back up to her face. Whilst she was enjoying the feeling, she couldn't realize that Sylvies hands traced down from her shoulders to her forearms.

"Are you focusing?" The witch whispered in
Y/N's ear as she kept up the light tracing.

Y/N's voice felt like it was trapped in a box, she couldn't form coherent words, not because the heat, but because of the soothing voice and presence of her girlfriend. All she released from that box in her throat was a small whimper. Which was picked up from Sylvie.

"Clearly not," Sylvie finished as she spun Y/N around and caught her in a heated kiss. As if the weather wasn't scorching enough, Y/N felt like her world was as hot as hell itself. She wasn't complaining either. She would let Sylvie drag her down to hell and back if she had the chance, and that made Y/N shudder at the thought.

"Let's take this to the bedroom shall we?" The blond witch spoke as she broke the kiss. Y/N could feel her feet lift off the ground before she could even comprehend what the other said. Being carried bridal style up the stairs and towards the shared house.


IM BACK AND I NEEDED TO UPDATE THIS CHAPTER. So it's shorter than the original, but the original chapter for some reason glitched and deleted majority of the story. Sorry for being very inactive. I've had a giant writers block. But I'm back! Hope you enjoyed this remade chapter. Any comments or suggestions just ask!

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