I Don't Get It

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Sylvie sat on the hood of her car, the cool night air filling her lungs. She had just finished her shift working full-time at McDonald's. Yeah, it's not a place you would expect a god to be working at, or even spending their days, but it felt...normal. For once in her hectic world, filled with time hunters, space, and child kidnapping, she truly felt normal. 

She slowly rested her back against the car windshield, gazing at the stars above her, the sounds of nature only one would hear at night began to fill her ears. 

"Watcha doing?" a female voice spoke next to the car. Sylvie, without tearing her eyes from the bright, starry night responded with a slight grin. "Watching the night sky." 


Sylvie was everything to you, ever since she walked into the restaurant she captured your eyes. She was everything. 

You watched as she lay on her car, staring into the dark, sparkly void with tiredness in her eyes.

"I used to star gaze every night after work." You spoke again, leaning against the mustard yellow car, crossing your arms. You heard a breathy sigh come from Sylvie, her eyes never breaking from above. 

"Why don't you anymore?" she finally tilted her head to look at you, curiosity filling her eyes. 

You froze, your heart racing as you hear those words. Shit, you thought, how do you answer that without sounding like your a creepy stalker. How do you explain to her that ever since she showed up all you could look at was her. Her beautiful blonde hair, her cute button nose, and her accent. Ohhhh her accent. Every time she spoke it sounded like millions of angels whispering in your ears. God, you could fall asleep to her voice, even die to her voice and you would be happy.

Well, you were not going to say all of that, right?

"Because I found something better to look at." You spoke, almost immediately covering your mouth. Shit. So much for containing your admiration. 

Sylvie laughed as she rolled over, facing you at the side of the car. "You're a charmer." She replied, her eyes never leaving yours. 

You blushed, hard, yet before you could say anything back, your body was moving for you. 

You climbed onto the hood of the car and rested, looking up at the stars, right next to Sylvie, your stomach fluttering.

"People always used to tell me how perfect the sky was at night, all the beautiful stars lighting up the view." You began to say, trying to calm yourself, making some sort of conversation to keep the interaction going. 

"But, I never understood why they said it was so perfect. The stars, they aren't in perfect order, they aren't lined up in a pattern, they aren't even the same colour or brightness." You went on, slowly moving your hand onto the hood of the car, you could feel Sylvie's eyes still on you.

"So every night I would spend hours, staring up, trying to determine why it was so perfect." You could feel her body shift closer to yours. 

"That's when I realized, that it wasn't perfect, it would never be perfect." Her hand slowly rested on yours, you swallowed deeply, your heart racing as you tried to contain yourself. 

"But, I know it will always be beautiful." Your throat was dry as you felt her hand tilt your head to face her's. Anticipation eating you up.

"Like you," Sylvie finally replied, her hand caressing your cheek, your eyes locked onto hers. You brought your hand to rest on top of hers. The gap slowly closes as you meet lips. 

The kiss was filled with a deep, longing sensation as you both held each other. 

Hoping, it will never end.

A/N: Sorry it's so short, I'm getting back into the habit. If there are any mistakes, let me know lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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