How They Met!

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A/N: This is a story about how Y/N and Sylvie met! Just a random One-Shot, this does not obviously add to anything! Just what I think!


"Ugh," Y/N spoke rolling over and shutting the damn alarm off. Living by yourself is not as easy as it seems. Y/N rolled back and faced the ceiling, wiping her eyes from the 4-hour sleep she had gotten. Today was going to be a long day. She climbed out of bed and stood up slowly, cracking her back while stretching. Her room was small and roomy with her bed against the wall in a corner and her computer desk on the opposite side of the room. It was messy and filled with clothes. Don't worry, the clothes were clean, but the lack of motivation made it hard for her to fold them and put them away. She also had her very own bathroom connected to her room so she could access it easier at night. 

She waltzed into the bathroom and turned on the light, she squinted her eyes trying to adjust to the new brightness. Y/N closed the door and undressed as she climbed into the shower. The warm water giving her a more alarming wake-up call. After about 20 minutes of washing herself and doing absolutely nothing in the shower, she got out and dried herself. Thoughts about the day were running through her day. How boring was it going to be today? Or what residents will be absolute jerkwads. Every day was always the same, get to work, do your job, come home, eat, watch TV, then sleep. 

Y/N worked as a postman, delivering mail to all kinds of people, including inconsiderate assholes. She absolutely hates her job, she wishes she could be off travelling the world, or even being a successful artist. Of course, all of these wishes were unrealistic. Nothing crazy or mind-blowing or even lucky ever happened to Y/N, not yet at least. 

Y/n got downstairs, her uniform on and her hair neat. She grabbed an apple and headed out of the door, locking it and getting into the car. The engine started with a twist of the keys and off she went, to the post office. Ready to seize the day in the most unenthusiastic way. At least she was paid a decent amount, well, enough for her to survive. But not enough as she'd like. 

After 10 minutes of driving and thinking, she arrived at a little building on the corner of a quiet street as normal. The part of town she lived in was not so crowded which was perfect for Y/N. The cloudy humid day hit her like a tidal wave as she climbed out of her car, shutting it and locking it. It was about 8 in the morning, not so bad for morning weather Y/N thought as she opened the door to the post office. 

"Y/N! Listen, Frank has just called in sick and is absolutely devastated he can't come and do his part, so won't you be the best co-worker and work his part as well?" "Jesus Patty, it's like 8 in the morning, will ya calm down?" The black curly-haired woman smacked her forehead as if she forgot something. "My bad darling, it's just, there's this flu going around and we really could use all hands on deck, the mail can't deliver itself," She spoke handing Y/N a cup of coffee. Patty was the most energetic woman you have ever met, with the thickest new yorker accent to walk the face of the earth. 

Y/N sighed taking a sip of her unusually cold coffee, not a great way to start the day. "Are you sure Frank is devastated, I'm sure he's laughing his ass off and watching amazon prime in his boxers all day," Y/N spoke raising her eyebrows at Patty. The other woman rolled her eyes with a grin. "Yes, well, who knows, nothing we can do about that. Oh, heavens sake! That is the wrong parcel sheila what are ya doin!" Patty spoke cutting herself off from the conversation with stressful eyes. "Patty where is Franks mail?" Y/N tried to speak as Patty was walking away to deal with a new situation with a new intern. "Oh, you know where it is," Patty spoke hollering back, leaving Y/N in the break room by herself. Could this day get any worse?

After minutes of searching for her coworker's packages and route maps, she got into the van. Setting the mail in the back of it and driving off. Great, now she has to stay late just to do her so-called "Sick" partner's job. What a joke, Y/N thought. As if her original route wasn't long enough. Maybe if she breaks some speed limits she could have time to relax at home. 

After hours and hours of hard work and negative thoughts, Y/N made it to the last area of Frank's route. But this area wasn't just an average one, it was sketchy. It seemed as though the grey clouds got greyer and the wind got stronger. How does he do this? She thought as she drove through the dark worn-down neighbourhood. Surely if Y/N had this route she would quit her job. Junkys probably live here. She turned down a small alleyway in between two tall dirty brick buildings. She parked at the end and undid her seatbelt anxiously. She stepped out, making sure she had a letter opener as a weapon on her. She walked up to a door with a "Beware, dog," plastered on it. 

She set the package down in front of the door, making sure not to make so much noise. But that plan went out the window. A yellow light appeared from the corner of her eye and out of nowhere a figure stepped out. Y/N screamed and put the letter opener out in front of her, her eyes closed in fear. Her heart pounding out of her chest. She then heard dogs barking from inside the building. Something grabbed her arm and paralyzed with fear she froze. She didn't do anything. Y/N knew this was her death. But then she stopped moving, the hand let go of her and she slowly opened her eyes. 

There, standing in front of her was what appeared to be a woman, with short blonde hair and two golden horns placed on her forehead. One missing. Her outfit was dark with some gold on it, almost like a body suit. Y/N was about to say something when her mouth was covered. 

"Shhhhh, quiet will you?" The woman spoke looking around. "I'm not supposed to be here," Y/N nodded with wide eyes. The hand lowered from her mouth. "Neither am I," Y/N spoke softly in confusion. What is happening. "What?" Sylvie spoke raising her eyebrow. "Who are you?" Y/N replied with widened eyes. "No time for questions. Come with me," She spoke grabbing Y/N's wrist again. But she stood her ground. "Why should I go with a stranger who appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me?" Y/N spoke anxiously. Sylvie turned towards her, frustration was shown in her eyes and a scowl appeared on her face. "Do you want to be pruned? Do you want to be held captive by an organization that controls and dictates your life?" She spoke pointing a finger at Y/N. Y/N shook her head. She then ended up following the crazy woman. Honestly, Y/N was curious and nervous at this point, she had nothing to lose. 

"Names Sylvie by the way," Sylvie spoke as she continued to walk. "Y/N," "Nice to meet you Y/N. You know, you arent as bad as it seems, you seem pretty calm, and good looking if ya ask me," Sylvie spoke chuckling. Y/N blushed at this, then snapped out of it. Did she really just blush at a compliment given to by a woman she just met minutes ago? "You as well," Y/N spoke, not controlling her mouth. "I see you're a postman?" She spoke as they hid in another alleyway. "Maybe, how do you know?" "Who else delivers packages in an alley wearing a uniform?" "Druggies," They both laughed, then it went silent. Well, if this was Y/N's kidnapper, she wasn't complaining.

And little did both know, the pair would be inseparable. 

Y/N: OOOoo this took a while lmao. Hope you enjoyed! I played off the whole postman thing Sylvie mentioned in episode three! If you have any suggestions or concerns, comment!

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