Date Night

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           Sylvie awoke to a bright light shining in her and Y/N's room. She groaned as she rolled over to check what time it was. The bright red numbers on the clock read 9:30am. Sylvie rubbed her eyes and rolled over to the other side to find that her lover was missing. She sat up in alert scanning the room only to see lights peering from under the bathroom door.

            "Y/N?" Sylvie called out groggily while stretching her arms out. Her yellow pastel tee-shirt lifting to reveal her stomach. "Good morning darling," Said the voice which was Y/N's from the bathroom. "Why are you up so early?" Said Sylvie laying back down in the bed with her arms sprawled out. "I have a workout at 10 today," Y/N said stepping out of the bathroom in a black tank top and black leggings (Or any workout clothes you prefer!). "Sorry I woke you up," "No no, it's alright," Sylvie responded sitting back up looking at her partner smiling.

           Y/N picked up her PJ's and threw them into the laundry hamper. "You gonna get up or are you going back to sleep?" Y/N said while resting her hands on her hips grinning at her tired girlfriend. "Sleep, obviously," And right then she laid back down again and pulled the covers over her head. Y/N laughed while walking over to Sylvie and kissing her on the forehead. Making Sylvie smile softly. "Alright, don't sleep all day, after my workout I'll be out all day shopping, so I would like for you to be up and dressed nicely for your surprise tonight!" "Surprise?" Sylvie mumbled in confusion. "Yep, ill be home around 5, so dress your best," Y/N spoke walking towards the door. "Bye, love you," Y/N said "Love you too,". The door shut softly and Sylvie was left with her wonders on what the surprise would be or what she would wear.

             It was now about quarter to five and Y/N just got home after shopping with Loki to pick out a nice outfit and tons of other stuff for the house. "I'm home love!" Y/N called while setting down the bags and slipping her shoes off and knocking them away from the door. Y/N hear a door open from upstairs and to Y/N's eyes, she saw the most stunning woman walk down those stairs. There was Sylvie in a fitted dark green dress, plastered with silver lining of patterns.

 There was Sylvie in a fitted dark green dress, plastered with silver lining of patterns

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(Here is the dress for reference. You can always change it if you like!)

                 Her hair was done up in her signature messy bun, beautiful as always. The dress showed her every curve of her body. Y/N simply could not speak.

                "What, cat got your tongue?" Sylvie replied as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Her silver heels hitting the cold floor. "Y-you l-look," "Stunning?" Sylvie finished laughing at how speechless her girlfriend was. "So, what is this surprise you told me to wait for love?" Sylvie asked walking towards Y/N and kissing her on the cheek. "I-it's a date night out, just the two of us in fancy clothes," Y/N said while Sylvie carefully planted kisses all the way down her neck. "Mmm, sounds nice," Sylvie said lifting her mouth from Y/N's neck and staring into her lovers eyes. "I'm going to get ready myself, be right back,"

              About 20 minutes have passed and out came Y/N in the most stunning outfit ever. (A fancy outfit of your choice!) Sylvie watched Y/N glide down the stairs elegantly with a huge grin plastered on her face. Sylvie couldn't help but eye you up and down while admiring your beauty. "Don't you look stunning yourself," Sylvie said grabbing Y/N's hips and giving a passionate kiss. Y/N giggled while blushing madly. "Okay okay, we better grab our reservation time before its given away," Y/N said in between laughs while gently pushing Sylvie away. "Or..," Sylvie started, "We could just stay here and you know....," She shrugged while looking down smiling. Sylvie then looked up and wiggled her eyebrows at Y/N. "As much as I would love that, we can't just let this dinner go too waste," "Oh alright, but promise me after dinner we do," Sylvie said winking at Y/N while walking out the front door. Leaving Y/N chuckling to herself.    

           "Wow, this place is fancy," Sylvie said as she sat down, roaming her eyes over the room. It was dim and the sound of plates cluttering along with chatter was heard. "Yeah, it was pretty expensive," Y/N replied flattening her dress out after sitting down across from Sylvie. "So, who helped you pick out your outfit, I know for a fact you would have needed help to decide since you always need mine," Sylvie spoke pointing at the glamorous outfit Y/N was wearing. "Hey, I don't need any help, but since you are asking, Loki did, " "Oh really? That's a good eye for someone who wears a variant jacket everywhere," They both half heartedly laughed while looking at each other.   

           "Would you two like any beverages to start with?" The waiter asked holding a notepad. "Oh, uhhh, could I please have a margarita with lots of ice?" Sylvie spoke smiling at the waiter. "Sure thing, and for you?" The waiter spoke looking in Y/N's direction. "I'll have Y/F/B (Your/Favorite/Beverage) please!" "Sure thing, ill be back in a bit for your orders," 

             Hours have went by and Y/N and Sylvie had just finished their food. They both talked and laughed as well as enjoyed themselves. "Just the bill please," Sylvie said wiping her mouth as the waiter came by. "Oh, no need, it has already been paid for by someone," the waiter replied smiling. "Who?" Y/N said curiously while setting the napkin on the table. "He went by the name of Loki, do you know him?" The waiter asked lifting an eyebrow. Y/N and Sylvie both grinned at each other. "Yes, very,"

                When Sylvie and Y/N got back home, they both tiredly undressed out of their uncomfortable outfits, and climbed into bed. "You told Loki that we were going out didn't you?" Sylvie said rolling over to face Y/N. "Maybe, maybe not," Y/N winked at Sylvie moving closer while kissing her on the lips. They held that kiss for about a minute, enjoying each others moment of warmth. "God I love when you kiss me," Sylvie said breathless while holding Y/N's face. "And thank you for the best date ever!" She said to Y/N leaning into another kiss. 

           They both fell asleep in each others arms. Limbs tangled and faces close to each other, never letting one go.

A/N: It's a bit short and quick at the end, because I wanted to finish this one for you all. The next one will be better I promise. Anyway, as always, if you have any concerns or suggestions, just comment. Thank you! Stay safe!


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