The Biggest Shipper~

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            A/N: This one was requested by @Shifter_A1 ! I tweaked the story a bit, but thank you so much for the suggestion!

          "I don't understand why you two won't just date already," Loki whispered to Y/N as she was preparing to endure in a battle. "Listen, it would be great, but how am I supposed to know she feels the same way?" Y/N spoke in a frustrated whisper while putting her weapons in her belt. Loki has been pestering Y/N for ages about her love life, and honestly, it's annoying. Even though Y/N deep down likes the conversation about her and Sylvie.

            "Because she's me! I know how she feels," Loki stated putting his hands on his hips. "What are we talking about?" Sylvie spoke walking over next to Y/N. "Uhhh, w-we are talking about uhhh," Y/N said trying to find an answer while staring daggers into Loki's eyes. "Our mission plan!" Loki said unsure looking at Sylvie. "Oh, okay then," Sylvie said confused. "Anyway, once we get there we have to be hidden, and if we see anyone we create a diversion. Which means you Y/N sneak away to find the elevator while me and Loki distract," Sylvie finished patting Y/N on the back, making Y/N blush. 

        "Whelp! Are we all ready?" Loki spoke clapping his hands together to cut the awkwardness that Y/N and Loki feel. "Yep!" Y/N said enthusiastically while nervously chuckling. Sylvie noticed how uneasy Y/N was. Almost like she was on a crazy boat ride with the feeling of being seasick.  "You feeling alright Y/N?" Sylvie spoke raising an eyebrow, usually Sylvie and Y/N don't always ask how they are feeling most times, especially before a battle.  This caught Y/N off-guard, but not just that, but the fact that she thought she was good at hiding her facial expressions. "Y-yeah yes, I'm fine, let's just get this done and over with," Y/N said as she grabbed the Tempad and walked towards the rectangular doorway that appeared out of thin air.

           "What's gotten into her?" Sylvie whispered to Loki while tying her hair back. Loki stood there  while trying to conceal a huge grin. "Oh nothing, just nervous I guess," Loki managed to say while scratching the back of his neck. "Okay clearly you know something more than that because you look like your about to smile," Sylvie said moving so she stood in front of Loki. Her hands on her hips menacingly. Loki paused then final smiled while staring at his feet, trying to contain the secret. "Can I ask you a question? And don't lie because you are me," Loki spoke looking up directly at Sylvie. "What do you feel towards Y/N?" Loki finally said crossing his arms, hoping for a good answer. Sylvie was taken aback by the question, it was really an odd question to ask just before trying to and take down the TVA. "Well, why do you want to know?" Sylvie said scoffing a grin. "Why don't you answer the simple question without questions?" Loki responded slyly crossing his arms. Sylvie rolled her eyes, she knew why Loki was asking this, it was obvious, he liked her didn't he? I mean, Sylvie likes Y/N so much, and Loki is basically Sylvie, so it would make sense. This jump to conclusion made Sylvie filled with jealousy, but she hid it for obvious reasons. Little did Sylvie know, that she was wrong. 

          "Come on! The TVA isn't getting weaker by the second," Y/N said rolling her eyes while walking through the rectangular doorway. Sylvie turned around and followed Y/N, her thoughts running wild. Loki trailing behind, hoping Sylvie does like Y/N back, he really wishes they would just date already. He is the biggest shipper in the universe after all. 

           All three of them enter the TVA. They all stand in one of the hallways, the lights at a warm temperature and the smell of dust and paperwork rolling through the air. "Okay, remember the plan," Y/N spoke looking back at the two variants. Both nodded, Loki trying to make eye contact with Sylvie, but she wouldn't even look at him. Loki was left confused, Y/N didn't even notice. Suddenly all three of them heard multiple footsteps walking in their directions. Loki, Sylvie and Y/N all stepped into the hallway while holding out their weapons. Multiple guards came into view. "Get them!" One of the guards shouted, all of them pulled out their weapons ready for battle. 

            They all ran at the trio, Sylvie grabbed the weapon headed towards her, she turned it around and jabbed the end into one of the guards, pruning them. Two other guards came rushing towards Loki and Sylvie holding the same weapon Sylvie stole. "Y/N run!" Sylvie spoke as she threw the weapon to Y/N. Sylvie and Loki both grabbed their weapons and started attacking, killing the guards. Yet, more of them came running from the other end of the hallway, behind both Sylvie and Loki, trapping them. "Sylvie look out!" Y/N yelled while pruning a guard in front of her. Sylvie couldn't hear though through the sounds of guards yelling and the fighting going on. Y/N then ran over to Sylvie, dodging guards while pruning some, she ended up behind Sylvie and started to prune the ones coming in the other direction. "I didn't need your help, and what about the plan!," Sylvie yelled kicking a guard in the face. "Screw the damn plan, I'm not going to have two pruned friends," Y/N replied upper cutting a guard and pruning the one next to her. 

            Both Sylvie and Y/N fought side by side, like they were the only two people in the room. After about 10 min of fighting all the guards were either pruned, killed, or knocked out. The trio gasped, hands on their knees. "You shouldn't have messed up the plan," Sylvie spoke taking her headwear off. "Well, we killed them all, so now its easier," Y/N replied grabbing Sylvie's wrist. "I'll go find the elevator okay? Leave you two to figure it out," Loki said walking past them while winking and wiggling his eyebrows at Y/N

            "What was that?" Sylvie asked while Loki was out of earshot. Y/N looked at her confused. "What was what?" She replied after finishing catching her breath. "The wink, what's going on between you and Loki? You both are hiding something," Sylvie said removing her wrist from Y/N's grasp and putting her headwear back on. She stared into Y/N eyes with jealousy and confusion. "It's nothing Sylvie, honestly," Y/N said shrugging like a teenager who's naïve.  They both stood in silence for a few seconds, but it felt like years. "You like Loki don't you?" Sylvie replied with a quiet voice, staring at anything other than Y/N. Y/N looked at Sylvie like she lost her mind, why would Sylvie think of such thing? It made Y/N feel frustrated at Sylvie, but also excited. "Wait, you think I, Y/N, like Loki? Where in hells name did you get that idea?" Y/N said laughing hysterically. "Isn't obvious? You two always have your little conversations and that wink was a dead give away," Sylvie said more confused and heartbroken as ever. Sylvie started rambling on about why she thinks the way she does about Y/N and Loki, that's when Y/N took her cue and grabbed onto Sylvie's shoulders. "Sylvie, listen to me, I DO NOT, like Loki that way, okay?" Y/N spoke moving her hands down Sylvie's shoulders to her hands, holding on to them.

            Sylvie calmed down and nodded, her heavy breathing was the only thing heard. The blonde woman then stepped closer to Y/N and put her hand on Y/N's neck. She lent close to Y/N's ear. "Then who do you like?" Sylvie whispered, caressing the back of Y/N's neck. Sending shivers down Y/N's spine, her heart racing as fast as the speed of light, was Y/N really going to kiss her? "You," Y/N replied in a low voice, staring into Sylvie's eyes. 

           Without hesitation, both of them lent in, their lips touching for the first time, Sylvie moved her hands down to Y/N's hips, holding on to them for dear life. The kiss was only under a minute, but it felt like forever. Y/N's grasp on Sylvie's forearms tightened and she pulled away, staring at Sylvie with lust. They stood there, both processing what just happened. That's when a noise was heard down the hall. It was Loki running for his life, away from the huge crowd of guards. "The Tempad, NOW!" Loki shouted out of breath. Y/N quickly pulled it out of her pocket and opened the doorway, all three of them jumped through it, getting away in time. They landed into another apocalypse, out of breath after experiencing a near death event. Loki sat up, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Looking over to Sylvie and Y/N catching their breath as well. "What happened?" Sylvie spoke wiping the dirt off of her clothes. "I made it to the elevator, but more came, maybe next time we all go to the elevator," Loki said frustrated. Y/N and Sylvie stood next to each other in front of Loki awkwardly. Loki looked at both girls confused, then realized what happened. 

            "Did you two?" Loki said jaw to the floor while pointing at both of them. Y/N's face was flushed and Sylvie cleared her throat. "Yes, we did, but never mind that," Sylvie spoke walking past Loki while winking flirtatiously at Y/N. "Yes! I knew you liked each other!" Loki said in a celebrative tone. Leaving both girls laughing.

A/N: I liked this chapter! It is a bit long, but I did my best! Sorry I haven't uploaded in two days or so, I was a bit busy with other things. Yet, I did finally watch Wandavision and it was AMAZINGGGG! Absolutely loved it! Again, if you have an suggestions or concerns, just comment!

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