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A/N: Crying and Dying

POV: Second person

You woke up drenched in your own sweat, the blankets half resting on the bed. You sat up as quickly as possible, your heart pounding deep inside your chest as a tear slid down your cheek. 

"Darling? Is everything all right?" You heard the soft voice whisper next to you. You almost forgot that your lover shared the same bed as you. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," 

As you pulled your bare knees to your chest, choking down a soft sob from your throat, you felt like you were still as hot as ever, the air around you becoming too thick to breathe in. Well, maybe you were not okay.

Luckily Sylvie noticed this, she swiftly sat up, shuffling next to you as she brought her arm around your waist. 

"Hey hey shhh it's okay, everything is alright, I've got you," she spoke kindly into your ear, her warm breath making its trail down the side of your neck, causing you to shiver. Her hands suddenly made their way to the side of your arms, slowly soothing your panicked state. 

"I dreamt it," you finally spoke in a rough voice, trying to hold back your sobs, but it felt too difficult to do. 

"Dreamt what darling?" she spoke, moving a strand of your hair behind your ear as she wrapped you tighter towards her core, feeling every ounce of you as best as she could. It almost felt as if she could only understand and prepare for your words if she was as close to your heart and mind as much as she could be. If she were to loosen her grip even the slightest she wouldn't be able to be there for you, to share your emotions as well, to make sure you feel heard, loved and even safe. 

"My death, but it was strange, I was able to see my body from my perspective, but I was you. I-I had your voice, your thoughts, your feelings, but I was watching myself. I could feel the pain, and it was so intense. It felt like it was surreal. And I couldn't say anything I wanted to say, the only thing I could do was listen, feel, and watch. hurt so so much. I-"

Sylvie then kissed your cheek, relieving the feeling of that choked back dam in your throat. The sob finally escaped all in one moment. It felt nice to be able to cry, but it also felt frustrating to you. You felt hurt, betrayed by your mind. How could your mind do this to you? How could you dream of such a nightmare? Why did you dream of such a nightmare? 

"Shhh you are not going anywhere, I am not going anywhere. It wasn't real. You are alive, and you are with me, it's okay." Sylvie spoke as she began to slowly caress your head. Hands digging into her shirt she wore to bed while you shoved your head into the crevice of her neck. Your tears ran down into her top and staining it an even darker colour.

"It's gonna be okay, I love you," Sylvie repeated in your ear. Your heart beat slowing down. Your hands slowly released the tight grip you had on her shirt. You could hear her heartbeat. You could feel the sensation of her hands stroking the back of your head. 

Minutes went by as you slowly started to forget the nightmare, permanently trying to throw it to the back of your mind for later as you slowly started to feel exhausted. 

Sylvie dragged you back down into the bed and continued caressing your head until you felt sleep drag you slower and slower into Sylvie's grasp. 

A/N: HEY YALL, sorry my updates took literally almost three years to start again. I've been so busy with life. But hey it's summer and it's 3 am for me right now so why not give you guys a surprise new chapter? Sorry it's short and lame, I'm trying to get back into one-shots again. Feel free to dm me for ideas and stuff. Love you all and thank you so much for the support on this book haha.

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