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"Ready when you are," Y/N spoke grabbing the keys off of the table. She slipped on her party shoes and stood in the doorway. Running her fingers through her hair as she waited for her loving girlfriend. "You have the keys?" Sylvie spoke rushing down the stairs and slipping on her own shoes. "Yes mam," Y/N spoke giving Sylvie a short kiss before pushing the front door open. 

They both climbed into the car, Y/N in the driver's seat and Sylvie in passengers. "So where is this party anyway?" Sylvie spoke putting her seatbelt on and wiping the hair from her face. "A bar just a few blocks down, they said be there by 8," She replied also putting her seat belt on and setting both hands on the steering wheel. "Look, I love Mobius but 8 o'clock on a Sunday night? I'd rather be sleeping with you all night," Sylvie spoke resting her elbow on the door, like a teenager that was dragged to a family reunion without consent. "Hey, don't be rude, Mobius is our beloved friend, and we will be there for his birthday! And as much as I would love to spend the night sleeping with you, we have a priority," Y/N replied starting the engine and checking the mirror. "Really? This party is a priority?" "Why are you in such a bad mood?" Y/N snapped back raising her eyebrow. Sylvie sighed, she looked out the window for a second, then glancing back to her lover. "Never really been out partying before, not sure what to expect," Sylvie said honestly while rubbing her eyes. "Look, there's not a whole lot to expect, just socialize and have fun, stick with me if you like," Sylvie responded to Y/N by crossing her arms, this pep talk wasn't what she needed right now. 

Y/N rolled her eyes and kissed Sylvie with passion. She let go and caressed her face. "Does that help?" "Very," They both smiled at each other then drove off to the bar. 

"Ah, look who it is! Nice of you to turn up!" Mobius spoke hugging Sylvie and Y/N with one arm. His other arm was holding a drink. "We couldn't have missed it!" Y/N spoke with a huge smile on her face. Behind Mobius were Loki and Hunter B-15. Surprisingly people still referred to her as a number, no one could come up with a name, and she's not the only hunter with that problem. 

Everyone hugged and greeted each other, enjoying the night so far. "Are you sure you didn't want any gifts Mobius?" B15 spoke leaning against the bar counter. The music was loud and people were dancing, so it was hard to hear her, but Mobius still heard. "Oh yeah, it's totally fine, being here with you all is a gift, even if it sounds cheesy," Mobius spoke laughing and turning to everyone. "Here how about I get you all another round, it's on me," Mobius said waving at the bartender. "Really? You don't have to, more like we are supposed to do that for you," Y/N spoke wrapping her arm around Sylvie. She gave an uneasy smile, still trying to get used to the environment. "Nah, I prefer it this way," "Alright, whatever the birthday boy wants," Loki spoke sliding his empty glass along the counter. 

The party went on a bit, everyone was chatting, doing their own thing, it was lively and exciting. Although, the promise that Y/N made to Sylvie about sticking together didn't go too well. Y/N ended up roaming off to the dance floor with B15, talking and chatting. Y/N was a bit drunk, actually, they all were, but Sylvie, not a whole lot as the rest. Loki and Mobius were out on the other side of the bar, chatting and laughing, probably drunk flirting too, which isn't a surprise. Sylvie was alone at the bar, roaming her eyes around the room, she felt alone and awkward by herself. 

"Can I get you a drink?" A man asked Sylvie, he was a bit taller than her and had these weird sunglasses on. He looked lean and fit with a nice suit on. "Oh no thank you, I'm fine," Sylvie responded turning him down, he wasn't even her type, and she loved Y/N way too much. She expected maybe a polite "No worries" or "Okay," from the man, but that was the complete opposite. He scoffed and shook his head. "Whatever, worth a try," And he walked off. Well, at least it wasn't anything too bad. 

After a few minutes of standing around Y/N came over, her hand leading the way with a wandering drink. "Hey, darling, can you hooold this pleaseeeese," She responded with a wonky smile. Sylvie rolled her eyes. "Fine," She spoke grabbing the drink and setting it down on the bar counter. Without a thank you, Y/N walked back to the dance floor with B15 again, and they began talking and laughing. Sylvie was watching them, staring at Y/N and burning a literal hole in the side of her face. Nothing bad would happen, right? Y/N was her lover, and forever will be by the looks of it. But then she noticed something that made her stomach turn. B15 was playing with Y/N's hair, smiling and looking at her like she was a god. Y/N was completely oblivious to this, too busy having a good time to notice that B15 was hitting on her. 

Sylvie felt a mix of emotions, she felt anger, confusion, bittersweet, she was feeling jealousy at its finest. Sylvie scoffed, doesn't B15 know she is with Y/N? Or did they not mention it. Sylvie was way past questioning why. She then started over to Y/N, her eyes fixated on her girlfriend with jealousy. She grabbed her wrist and walked towards Mobius and Loki. "Heyyy, where are you taking me?" Y/N asked confused and out of it. "I was having a good time what the hell?" "Yeah, I bet you were," Sylvie spoke with gritted teeth. It took Y/N a couple of seconds to realize what's going on. "Ohhhhh I see, you're jealous arent you?" "No, I'm not," Sylvie spoke denying her feelings. "Yesss you dooo," 

Sylvie ignored her girlfriend, she felt a slight bit of betrayle. She promised to not leave her side, then she goes to let B15 do that? Don't get her wrong, both B15 and Y/N were drunk as hell, but it still made Sylvie feel jealousy. "Is everything alright?" Mobius asked raising his eyebrow. "It was a fun party, but we have to go," Sylvie spoke. Before Mobius could ask why they both left. 

The drive home was quiet, Y/N was moping and confused, why did she take her home early? Sylvie was left in her thoughts. She didn't hate B15, she was great friends with her, but she now realized not to have her girlfriend drunk in the same room as B15. 

They arrived home, Sylvie dragging Y/N out of the car and through the front doors, she then closed them and pushed Y/N up against them, leaning against her lover. 

"What was that?"

"What was what?" 

"You and B15, answer,"

"I don't know we were having fun," 

"More like she was flirting with you,"

"She was?"

It took her a few minutes to remember 

"Huh, she was," 

"Really? That's it, just 'huh she was,'?" 

"What else do you want me to do, we are both shit faced," 

"Doesn't matter," 

They both stood there, facing each other, the smell of alcohol on her breath. 

"Are you going to do anything to make up for that, huh?" Sylvie spoke into Y/N's ear. Y/N hummed, she felt like she was in heaven. Sylvie's hand slowly reached up to Y/N's neck, gently wrapped around it, just resting there, no pressure. Y/N was loving this. "I don't know, depends, what should I do to make up for that?" Y/N spoke, wishing Sylvie would apply more pressure. They both stood there, waiting for Sylvie to answer.

 "We will figure that out when you are sober," And with that, Sylvie walked up to their bedroom, leaving Y/N to stand there, they both know they would never cheat on each other. Y/N just liked to push her buttons, but hated when Sylvie teased her. 

A/N: Thank you for reading my book so far! I love this book so much and it means so much that you all love it as well! The next chapter will be a part two to the "Truth or Dare" chapter. So don't forget to read that one first! Also I will try to include more characters like Ravonna or maybe Kang, who knows. B15 is one of my favourite characters out of the show, so I had to put her in this one! Maybe she will join next chapter! Hope all is well and if you have any concerns or suggestions, just comment! 

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