Pre-Teen F!Sole with Big Dog that Guards Them

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Cait - Is somewhat apprehensive of the two at first simply due to the overwhelming size of the dog and how it looked ready to eat anyone that even thought about getting too close to pre-teen F!Sole. However, she eventually comes to appreciate the creature and see its usefulness in combat. After all, it saves her a lot of trouble when it comes to looking out for the kid during battle.

Piper - Thinks that it is really cute and finds it really hard to take them seriously. She cannot help but think of a series of old children's books called Henry & Mudge that she had found for Nat. She tries really hard not to smile or laugh at the mental image that the pair generate, and offers the dog a few sweets every once in a while as thanks for keeping watch over her little Blue.

Curie - Finds the pair to be quite odd, but is very fascinated by the symbiotic relationship they have built. She herself feels much safer whenever the dog is around, and she is very happy that it likes her as well. She oftentimes will hide alongside pre-teen F!Sole so that the dog protects them both.

MacCready - Thinks they're quite a pair and wishes he had a dog like that when he was her age. He could have really used it. He always makes sure to keep an eye on the dog, though, and to make slow movements whenever he pats pre-teen F!Sole's shoulder or stands nearby her.

Deacon - Does not think that the dog is too stealth-friendly, but he likes that it keeps the kid safe. He is slightly afraid of it when he sees it, though, and he makes sure to try to stay on the dog's good side. He would not want it to get the wrong idea and think that he meant any harm.

Codsworth - Is quite pleased that pre-teen F!Sole has managed to find such a loyal companion that takes care of her so efficiently. He makes sure to verbally praise the dog any time he sees it and to offer any help he can in caring for it.

Hancock - Kind of wants a dog like that for himself to show off a little around Goodneighbor. Overall, he is glad the kid has such a watchful protector. It's pretty dangerous in Goodneighbor and even more-so in the Commonwealth itself for a kid like her.

Danse - Finds them both to be a really strange traveling outfit. He immediately admires the dog and its dedication to its young mistress, and he believes that all Brotherhood members should own a creature so strong and loyal.

Preston - Loves the dynamic that the two have. He tries to establish that he is a friend and not a foe, though, as soon as he starts to get to know them, and the dog soon enough comes to be pretty fond of him.

Valentine - Thinks that the kid is really fortunate to have such a big friend. He's seen too many kids die in the Commonwealth because of a lack of good parents or proper protection units surrounding them. Despite the fact that he knows the dog is very much a dangerous creature, he finds them to be pretty adorable and does what he can to look out for not only pre-teen F!Sole but also the dog. Even when it insists on throwing itself head-on into danger in order to protect the kid.

X6-88 - Considers it to be quite beneficial for a dog that large to protect the child. He is somewhat apprehensive at first, but he warms up to the dog after a while and manages to stiffly pat it on the rare occasion that it earns his praise.

Dogmeat - Is somewhat jealous-- at least when the bigger dog has earned pre-teen F!Sole's pets. But he does appreciate the help in protecting her. He also enjoys having a playmate. Even if the playmate is sometimes way too big for the roughhousing they do.

Strong - Thinks that it is a good idea for very tiny human to have such a big dog. It is not a mutant hound, of course, but it is still a powerful protector. After all, Strong needs the kid to stay alive so they can find milk of human kindness together, and the big dog greatly helps in that effort.

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