F!Sole Talking About Birds Aren't Real Conspiracy and Figuring Out It's Real

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Cait - Thinks that F!Sole is absolutely crazy. She thinks it is a preposterous idea for birds to be some sort of Institute spies, and she actually even asks F!Sole if she has been hanging out with Piper for too long and Piper has somehow managed to get all those weird conspiracy theories into her head. However, when F!Sole figures out that she was right about the whole thing, Cait is totally shocked and does not exactly know what to think anymore.

Piper - Has been one hundred percent on board with it ever since F!Sole started discussing it, and she actually had sources on it before F!Sole even began talking about it in the first place. And when F!Sole finds out she was right and tells Piper about it, Piper is very excited and makes sure to start drafting an article now that she has a witness who has been to the Institute and found out things.

Curie - Believes that F!Sole's theory is quite probable. After all, Vault-Tec and the Enclave had released tons of robotic birds in Pre-War times, so who is to say that the Institute does not have robot birds? And when F!Sole figures out that there actually are fake birds spying on the Commonwealth, Curie desperately wants to capture one and study it.

MacCready - Honestly thinks she's a little crazy. That's really out in left field even given the way that the Institute operates. However, when she figures out that she's actually right about the whole thing, he is really shocked and honestly cannot believe that he was seriously being spied on all this time and he had no idea of it. He has seen an unbelievably large amount of birds during his time in the Commonwealth. Knowing that so many could be spies only reinforces his comfort with having a rocky ceiling above his head.

Deacon - Is sort of skeptical, but thinks that it could be true. After all, they've made synthetic human spies, so it would not be surprising if they made animals that were fake, too. Tinker Tom had been talking about the possibility of the birds for a while, and for F!Sole to bring it up, too, Deacon wonders if there is some merit to it. And when she finds out that there actually are spy birds, then he does not doubt it anymore and actually starts being even more careful when he's out and about.

Codsworth - Thinks that the entire thing is a little farfetched, but he decides to withhold that opinion and let her believe what she wants. However, when she finds out that she's right, he is quite shocked and feels bad for doubting her and thinking it was absolutely poppycock. From then on, he makes sure to pay more attention to the things that he does not always agree with or think is true.

Hancock - Does not doubt it nor believe it. He thinks it's possible but he also thinks that it could be a load of crap. So he does not voice an opinion on it, and just listens to her talk about it. He cannot help but feel a little weirded out and somewhat surprised when she finds out she's right. He supposes they must have quite the eyeful from all the times he has gone skinny dipping in his lifetime.

Danse - Actually believes her when she brings it up. The Brotherhood has been investigating these birds ever since they arrived in the Commonwealth, and there is definitive evidence that they are real. When she finds out from the Institute itself, he is very pleased to have their theory validated.

Preston - Thinks it's a little crazy but keeps it to himself. He guesses that it is alright if they both have different opinions and he does not have to intrude upon hers with his own when she is simply discussing hers. However, when she actually finds out it's real, he definitely feels pretty weird about everything. It takes a while for him to be able to look at a bird in the same light again even after the Institute is destroyed (assuming the player takes that route).

Valentine - Does not know if he completely believes it, but he definitely does not refute it either. He knows the Institute are some nasty, wicked people, and they would definitely make birds just to spy on the citizens of the Commonwealth. Therefore, when she discovers she was right about all of it, he is not totally surprised, and he is pretty willing to believe that it is indeed the truth.

X6-88 - Is not at all surprised that she believes this. It is actually true, and he admires her for being able to figure it out. Although he does wonder how she discovered it. He proceeds to tell her that she is correct and that her theory is valid, and she is ridiculously excited about it and finds it to be both enraging and a great victory. X6 is not sure what to make of the reaction to his words.

Strong - Does not understand and is quick to yell very loudly at her that birds are real and that anyone can see them flying around. He thinks that she is being ridiculous and he will not tolerate her discussing it even remotely. Even when she finds out she's right, he doesn't believe it and he thinks she's absolutely nuts.

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