Teen F!Sole Stubs Her Toe on Log and Starts Cussing and Hitting Log

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Cait - "I'm afraid I've taught you too well..."

Piper - "Blue! Calm down! I didn't know you even knew half of these words!"

Curie - "Mademoiselle! What bad language that you are using!!! Perhaps you should take a deep breath and walk away for a little while?"

MacCready - "Stop frickin' cussing, dangit!!! You shouldn't talk all that crap!"

Deacon - "Hey, have you ever thought that you might have hurt the log, too? No? Well, just an idea to think about."

Codsworth - "Young Nora!!! You should be ashamed of yourself! Mum and Sir raised you better than that!"

Hancock - "I think you just taught me some new ones... Wow..."

Danse - "Soldier, we are supposed to be setting a good example for the Commonwealth. Not showing them that members of the Brotherhood are filthy-mouthed ruffians!"

Preston - "Hey, now there's no need to talk like that. You can express how you feel just as well without all of that language thrown in."

Valentine - "Wow... You could make a sailor blush with your vocabulary, kid."

X6-88 - "I do not approve of this fowl language. You look absolutely ridiculous hitting an inanimate object."

Dogmeat - Does not understand why she is so angry, but he growls and barks at the log since it must have hurt her. No one hurts his human and gets away with it. Not on his watch.

Strong - "Move away, tiny human. Strong take care of log!!!" *kicks it so it flies away in the distance like Team Rocket on Pokemon*

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