Reactions to F!Sole Having Shadowmane from ARK

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Cait - Thinks that it is actually strangely cute considering how extremely dangerous that the thing is. She has no problem just riding on top of the thing right behind F!Sole, shouting insults at raiders and letting the animal obliterate them with its purple energy when F!Sole gives the command.

Piper - Is not particularly big on cats herself since she is a huge dog person, but she is fond of the creature. As soon as she sees that it seems to be perfectly harmless around F!Sole and her group, Piper is much more trusting of it. She also loves how it can defend and take care of her Blue so well in battle.

Curie - Just sees a giant danger kitty, and she is absolutely in love with it. It can protect her and F!Sole and it is just so adorable with how it curls up to sleep. She loves giving it plenty of strokes on its huge cheeks when it lowers its head to her level. She just sees it as an enormous pet.

MacCready - Thinks it is absolutely awesome, and after a little bit of trepidation, he is eagerly riding it with F!Sole and loving the exhilarating feeling of how the creature can jump from rooftop to rooftop in the city without missing a beat. It is definitely a fun and new way to experience the Commonwealth.

Deacon - Is a particularly huge fan because of its ability to cloak itself. He likes the way it can slink silently in the shadows and turn completely invisible. He likes to borrow it for stealth missions, and he just has a hugely great time with it. It's undercover, but with style.

Codsworth - Takes care of it and loves it as if it were any other pet of F!Sole's. He calls it by saying, "Here, kitty, kitty!" and he treats it like it is a cat. Even though it has way more murderous abilities than any other cat that ever existed.

Hancock - Loves the thing, and tries to let it sit its head on his lap. However, it just squishes him, but he is happy. He just gives it lots of scratches on the head and wants to give it tons of love. He also likes how dangerous the creature is, and he wants one of his own.

Danse - Is at first very distrustful of it. However, as time goes on, he forms a tentative alliance with the animal, and gets along with it okay. He loves the pretty purple glow it leaves behind, and he also loves the way it glides. He thinks that it is like falling with style.

Preston - Loves how it helps the Minutemen. As long as his General can keep the creature under control, it is good in his book. He loves how it helps to protect so many Minutemen settlements, and he just views the creature as an enormous defender.  

Valentine - Is distrustful of it, but eventually sees that it is harmless at least in concern to F!Sole and her group of merry misfits. So he does offer it pets every once in a while, and he appreciates its ability to turn invisible because it makes tailing people much easier.

X6-88 - Actually even smiles a tiny bit when he sees the creature in action. When no one is looking, X6 will actually even pet it and give it treats that he has secretly picked up along the way. It is definitely one of his favorite creatures around.

Dogmeat - Gets along with it alright. It does not seem to want to play the same games as he does, but he can snuggle up near it and nap. However, it is so huge that it almost steps on him at one point, so he quickly learns to be careful when he falls asleep near it. Other than that, he is mostly okay with the creature.

Strong - Absolutely adores how it fights. It is a perfect battling buddy, so he definitely is a huge fan. He especially loves how it hits so many enemies all around them in such quick succession, the only thing left standing in its wake being a purple glow.

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