F!Sole Declares She's Giving Up on Life and Just Lies on Floor

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Cait - When Cait is finally tired of it, she tells F!Sole that she has exactly ten minutes to change her mind about giving up on life before Cait does something. Ten minutes pass, and Cait lifts her up, throwing her over her shoulder as she hangs onto her and carries her to the nearest river or pond. She wastes no time in throwing F!Sole in. When F!Sole reemerges, mad as a wet hen, Cait just shrugs with a slight smirk, saying that she told F!Sole she'd do something about it. As she helps F!Sole out of the water, she gives F!Sole a little pep-talk and makes her feel better about things in that Cait-esque manner.

Piper - When it first starts, Piper talks to her about it, and tries to make her feel better. F!Sole says she'll think about what Piper says. However, after a day of this, Piper is sick and tired of it, and she sits down next to F!Sole, relentlessly poking and pestering her Blue until she at least raises up off of the floor. She might even proceed to tickle her senseless, both of them giggling like madwomen, until she finally decides to get up. Piper then offers her a sweet roll and a Nuka-Cola, telling her that it's nice to have her back in the land of the fully functioning.

Curie - Will fuss and fret over her until F!Sole is absolutely at her wit's end. She will insist that F!Sole drink something and eat something, then she will offer a checkup, and then she'll persist that F!Sole eat or drink. Eventually, Curie drives her crazy to the point that she decides to keep going with life just to shut the well-meaning girl up.

MacCready - Tries to talk about it with her. However, if she is being stubborn, he pulls out some of his favorite Grognak comic books and proceeds to read them to her. He even tries to make the voices for the different characters. The first comic book he happens to pick up has the Silver Shroud in it, and he absolutely insists that F!Sole read it with her Silver Shroud voice. It ends up cracking them both up to the point that F!Sole feels tons better about life.

Deacon - Just lies there next to F!Sole and starts making really sad sighs and noises constantly. She slowly gets more and more aggravated, and then he starts making the noises even louder. She eventually gets up, declaring that the both of them are just plain pathetic and ridiculous lying in the floor like this. He grins widely. Mission accomplished.

Codsworth - Tries to comfort her in the best manner that he knows how. If this does not work, then he proceeds to tell her some really terrible jokes that he knows. Eventually, he tells a joke so insane and strange that she laughs from pure bewilderment and it somehow pulls her out of the funk she has been in.

Hancock - Offers her some chems to dull the pain, and if she doesn't want chems, then he tries to talk it out with her. If she refuses to cooperate, then he tells her that he is going to have to make an announcement to Goodneighbor about his heroic friend that is for some reason feeling sad because she failed one mission. When he actually starts getting some notes for a speech together, she decides that he must be serious, and she decides that life is worth getting up for.

Danse - Tells her to vent to him and tell him everything she is feeling if she comfortable with it. He just sits and listens to her, and offers a large, comforting hug if she needs it, just holding her in his arms until she feels okay again.

Preston - After a day or two, he calls several groups of Minutemen that F!Sole helped in the past, and he gets them to tell her how much she helped them. It reassures her and cheers her up so much that she gets up and decides to keep going.

Valentine - Gives her time to mope, but then comes and sits beside her, telling her to talk it out to him and explain why she's giving up. He then somehow turns it around on her and tells her to keep hoping and keep trying. He ends up motivating her enough to get up and go again.

X6-88 - As soon as she starts to do this, he is displeased. After a while, he finally comes over and informs her that if she keeps it up, he is going to have to ask for another partner. When she seems unaffected by this, he grabs her by the foot and drags her around after him wherever he goes. Eventually, this starts to hurt her back, and she decides to walk with him and keep going.

Dogmeat - Just lies close to her and tries to comfort her. He licks her hand and lies near her to protect her. He will sometimes nudge her and try to get her to stand up and leave the floor. However, when she does not, he just stays by her, refusing to leave her alone even if she won't get up. Eventually, he starts bringing her sticks and trying to get her to play fetch with him. His sad whimpers and whines eventually coax her into getting up to at least play with him.

Strong - When he finally is fed up with her lack of movement and refusal to get up, he quickly snaps her out of this spell by threatening to squish her with his foot. Milk of human kindness is serious business and her refusal to cooperate is seriously slowing the process of finding it.

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