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After dinner I help Taehyung fold the rest of his clothes, then watch as he loads all of his boxes into his Audi.

"It's getting late, do you want me to drive you home?" Taehyung asks.

"Please. I'd like to stay longer, but I have school tomorrow. Your mom's tteokbokki is delicious, by the way, lucky." I tease him as we get in the car.

"She only cooked that because you came over. She'd starve me before she used anything more than a microwave for my dinner." Taehyung laughs, reversing the car out of the driveway.

"Do you remember the time before you knew your parents names?" Taehyung asks suddenly a few minutes later.

"I don't think so. Why, did you just remember?"

"Well I was just thinking about how I call her mom. And when I found out her actual name I felt so powerful, I knew this thing everyone else knew, and I had nothing to do with it, but if she made me mad I would think, you know, I know your name. And it was like I knew her biggest secret, and if she ever made me mad enough, I would let her know I knew it. I never called her by her name though, I only ever got mad at her for giving me four chickens nuggets instead of five, when we were almost out."

"So nothing big enough to reveal your secret weapon?"

"No. Not yet. Do you remember the moment?" Taehyung asks me.

"Umm, not really. I think my parents always called each other by their names. They were an arranged mating. But don't you think it's weird how everyone's parents call each other mom and dad? Mine didn't, but if I went to a friend's house I heard it all the time." I ask.

Taehyung flips on his turn signal before answering. "No, my parents didn't do that either. They weren't arranged, but my father was a terrible alpha. They got married fresh out of high school, when he was still good at hiding it. After they were married and she had me, he didn't pretend anymore." He recites in monotone.

"Sorry. Is he- still alive?" I ask carefully.

"I don't know. One day he was gone, and my mom never said anything. I assume he left, but I was young, so he could be in jail, or dead. I hope."

I sit still, trying not to draw attention to myself when Taehyung is upset. I hold my breath as I think of something to say as an apology for bringing up the topic.

"Calm down." Taehyung intones softly. "There's no reason for you to be upset. Do you want to talk about why you feel so agitated?"

"I'm just sorry for bringing it up. I didn't know about any of that."

"I brought it up, remember?" He reassures me.
Oh. I guess he did.

"Where do you live?" Taehyung asks.

I tell him my address and he puts the car in drive.

"My mom got remarried. Then divorced. But my stepbrother still hangs around sometimes, in case you ever see him. He's really focused on college right now, so he doesn't come around a lot." Taehyung explains.

"Oh." I twist the end of my skirt in my fingers. "Sorry, I live kind of far from your house. I can pay you for gas." I offer.

Taehyung tilts his head. "I love that I get to drive you home. I don't want you to pay me for it. Then I'm just a taxi."

"Right. Sorry." I laugh slightly, turning to look out the window. "My parents will tell Jaebum if I walk in the door smelling like you."
The car stops for a second, Taehyung pushing down the brake roughly.

"Sorry, what? What did you say? Why would they... why does it matter?" He asks haltingly.

"They like him a lot. And they would tell him I was cheating on him. But maybe they'll be asleep and I can go shower." I explain.

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