Brent?! are you cheating?

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Pierson - reads the text and looks up at Brent ( gets away and stop's cuddling)

Pierson : Who is this? 

Brent : It's my ex-

Pierson : YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU HAS AN EX?! DO YOU STILL CONTINUE TALKING TO HER TILL THIS DATE? ( having tears in her eyes but is quite angry from inside.)

Brent : I-I- I don't even talk to her. She just sent me a message today itself- 

Pierson - Brent, How am I supposed to believe you? 

Brent : shows Pierson his chat with Emily and sighs. 

Pierson - what does she want from you. ( snatches his phone and texts her back ) 

 ( snatches his phone and texts her back ) 

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* Brent has blocked Emily*

Pierson : here. ( hands Brent's phone to him) 

Brent - I'm sorry from her side. It was unexpected.

Pierson - "Brent, you must be thinking that I am those type of overprotective girlfriends but I am really not. I just-"

Brent - shhhh its all okay 😉

Pierson : 🥰

-After 2 hours-

The both of them keep cuddling and scrolling through socials. Pierson get's up the couch and heads over to the pantry. 

Pierson - " something you wanna eat babe?"

Pierson's POV - 

omfg did I just call him babe?! 

Brent- stares at Pierson for a few seconds and smiles. I like it when you call me 'babe' and of course lets eat something. I got a few snacks yesterday. 

Pierson : Sure

Brent - Leaves his phone on the couch and gets up (Pierson does not see Brent behind her) 

Brent holds Pierson's waist and pushes her to the wall. He crests her hair behind and touches his head to her's and gently kisses her on her lips which were soft as a pillow. Pierson was in seven heaven. She dropped the packet of chips of the floor and continues kissing brent. The two pull back after sometime once they hear the door close. 

Pierson - Who is at your house at 8?

Brent : Probably Lexi, she went out with ben at the club. 

( just making it clear, brent does not have any problem with ben being with lexi but shows drama in front of camera)

Pierson - we better be normal, they should not know our secret, she says as she gives a peck on brent's cheek. 

Lexi comes in : 

Lexi - What did you both do together? Pierson is blushing AF, dude she is red! 

Brent - Chill! you don't have to know everything. 

Lexi : looks at Pierson and raises her eyebrows. 

Pierson - mutters at Lexi so that Brent can't hear. "I'll tell you everything later"

Pierson trusted Lexi ( Brent's sister) and tells her all the things about her life. 

After sometime all the boy's reach Brent's house for filming, and this was the perfect time for Lexi and Pierson to go in a room and talk about what happened last night.  

Pierson - We kissed thrice. 

Lexi - Piersonnnn I knew you will be my sister-in-law! 

Pierson - Now where did that come from huh? 

Lexi - I am Brent's sister, I give you full comfort to marry by brother. 

Pierson - Lexi? I thought  Brent only wants to get married after he is 30.

Lexi - No pier, he is ready even when he is 25 or 26. He is 24 now. So date for 2 more years and make me your sister- in-law. 

Pierson - Just don't tell anyone about this okay? Not even ben. 

Lexi- Of course. 

DONE! Thanks for reading this chapter :D

I will make the new one after a few days ❤

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