Twan kissed me...P1😫

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YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG WHILE READING ( I read a fanfic and saw the idea of reading with a yt music) 

and I made a deal with @brierson4everwooo that if I upload 2 chapters then she shall too.. If you haven't read his/her stories then read them!! ITS AMAZING!! 

Pierson's POV: 

 I have to kiss Twan! Great... It's too late now, everyone started getting ready with the set and there is no way I could say no. People anyways are confused whether I am dating Brent or not.  I can't stop them now. I fucked up. 

Twan : So pierson, we will be filming another scene today..
Pierson : and what about that... k-kiss? 
Twan : That's tomorrow morning. Oh and by the way, you will have to stay over. The filmers don't have any other slot for filming tomorrow. So we have to film early morning. 
Pierson : I can go home and come early. 
Twan : You never know the traffic lately. People are hella busy these mornings in my neighborhood. 
Pierson : oh alright
Twan : you can stay in the bedroom next to mine, its the guest one. 
*after all the filming and the tiktok's*
Pierson : *laughing*
Twan : *enjoys Pierson's company*
Pierson : *checks her time* Oh shit! I gotta go.. I have to meet someone. I'll come back in the eve to stay.
Twan : Oh alright, I made coffee for ourselves. You can drink and leave I guess. 
Pierson : Sure! 
*Pierson ends up spending her whole day with Twan*
Pierson : FUCK! -
Twan - oops
Pierson : It's getting late. I can't go now due to the crowd. I'll stay. Let me call Brent. 
Twan : Oh ok. Why Brent ? 
Pierson : give me one sec

*Brent does not pick up the call, Pierson calls Lexi H*
On the Call..
Pierson : Hi Lex.. I'll be staying at Twans tonight. 
Lexi  : WHAT? bestie you got a boyfriend 
Pierson : I'm not sleeping with him! (whispers)
Lexi : Then come home. 
Pierson : We have to film tomorrow and its early morning. And tell Brent to call me once he is free. 
Lexi : *surprised* Ok, Bye then..
Pierson : Bye?

-After an hour or something-
Twan is chilling in his room without a shirt. Pierson comes in cuz she is hungry. 
Pierson : TWAN, im-
Twan : yeah?
Pierson : Oh- (closes the door) 
Twan : Pierson! you can come in, its just a shirt. 
Pierson : Yeah.. I am hungry. 
Twan: diDn't wE jUsT EAt?
Pierson : yes but still. If you have nothing at home we can go to a drive thru. 
Twan: I'm too lazy to go for a drive thru, lets just order and stay at home. 

At Brent's Place :
Brent : Pierson is not here yet. 
Brent : Lexi? (his sister) 
Lexi : uh huh?
Brent : have you seen Pierson 
Lexi : Nope. She is not here. Ask Lexi. (hensler) 

Brent's POV:
I'll go at Twan's by myself. Pierson is there and I gotta get her. Gosh I hope she is not drunk or something. 

Nobody's POV: 
Brent drives to Twan's place as he has filmed with him before, and knocks at the door. 
Pierson opens the door in a crop top with a bag of fries.

Brent : p-pier?
Pierson : babe...
Brent : why are you here? and why tf is Twan shirtless?!
Pierson : No its nothing-
Brent : Oh so now you are cheating on me?
Twan: I don't wear a shirt at home. I asked pierson if she is okay with it. She said its fine. 
Brent : *swallows* looks at pierson 
 Pierson : I am not cheating on you, please trust me. I have to stay with him for the night cuz we have to film early in the morning. 
Brent : I'm staying here too then. 
Pierson : as you wish. 
Brent : in ur room...

The rest of the night goes bad as Brent is mad with Twan when he has not done anything. Pierson really feels bad for Twan as she only thinks of him as a friend. She is not sure to tell Brent about kissing Twan for a scene. 
When it's time for bed... Pierson lays her back on the head rest and starts reading Wattpad.

Brent : Pierson?
Pierson : yuh?
Brent : I'm sorry. It's just been one day of me proposing you and I'm making assumptions about you. 
Pierson : Yeah I know. 
Brent : But you should have called me... 
Pierson : I did. It said that you were on another line so I told Lexi (Hensler) to let you know. 
Brent : *kisses her on her lips* 
Pierson : made me better *smiles*

(I'll update in a few hours or tomorrow morning or something) 

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