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Everyone in the amp squad is sitting on the hall for a talk. 

Brent : So guys, I was thinking, we should go for a holiday to Paris just for fun, we have not gone out for so long. Anyone down?

Alan - whispers to alex's ears and they both start laughing 

Dom - probably a joke on why Brent does not have a girlfriend when we are going to Paris. 

Pierson looks at Brent as soon as Dom says " girlfriend"

Brent - ignores and continues, " so anyone down?"

Pierson - I'm down

Lexi R - Same here

Ben - Cool I'm down

Dom and Sofie - Let's go!

Andrew - when will we go?

Lexi H- yes! I'm coming for sure

Brent - Next week? I shall book the hotel now at lunch. 

Andrew - Gosh I'm saved.  I am coming

Pierson - Where is Jermey? I'm calling him

Alex - he is not picking up since morning. I wanted to plan a video with him, he has not picked up. 

Brent - Its fine, I am sure he is coming.

Lexi R - Brent you can't-

Andrew - Yea bro, what if he's not coming.

Jeremy picks up the phone  from pierson - 

Pierson - puts the call on speaker

Everyone - Jeremy we are going to Paris

Brent - next week!

Pierson - ya so you coming jerm?

Jeremy - um. I'm down but I have to do a photoshoot on Wednesday. I've already delayed it.

Andrew - folds his arms and gives a look at brent and raises an eyebrow and shrugs.

Pierson - Is all okay, I will call Eva. 

Brent - Almost chokes, why her? 

Lexi r - giggles ' why brent? Pierson is here, is that so?'

Brent - NO

Brent's POV : 

I don't want any problems here with Pierson and Eva. Eva is pretty close to Pierson, if they keep talking about me-

Pierson - snaps on brent's face. 

Pierson : So?

Ben - At least someone is there right? (he says looking up from his phone)

Brent - Ya okay I guess, I will book it then. You guys chill or something. I will book it with pierson.

Alex- Why pierson bro? 

Brent - Scoffs and ignores what Alex said. 

Brent and Pierson go to his room and sit on the bed together. 

Brent opens his mac and books a hotel called 'Hotel Ritz'

Pierson - puts her head on his shoulder

Brent - 2 people per room k?

Pierson - winks at brent and pecks him on the cheek and rubs of the lipstick off his cheek. 

Brent - So you wanna share a room? 

Pierson - of course! So Dom and Sofie , Lexi r and Ben, Jermey( if he comes) and Andrew, uhh, Alex and Alan , Eva and Lexi H and then Me and you? How about that?

Brent - won't that be too obvious? 

Pierson - Come on brent!? We have to tell them some day at least. 

Brent - right.

this was short (0_0)  , I will make one in an hour or so :D

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