Not treated well?

665 18 1

Brent gets up and says, I've noticed that you keep staring at my "girlfriend"                                            

Alan: She is not your girlfriend, I have noticed her staring at me during dinner.                                      

Pierson : I have not you git! ( pierson stands closer to Brent)                                                                            

Dom : what's wrong with you bro?                                                                                                                                 

Alan sits back on his seat.                                                                                                                                                 

Alex : I didn't expect this from you Alan. (disappointed)    

no one talked during the 10 minutes left

Danny(bus driver) -Stops the bus and says " you all have reached your destination"

Ben - lets go!

Brent : thank you so much Danny! 

Guide - So everyone come here. This is our main point. You all have to stay in pairs. I shall your pair and after please do take the safety bags kept in the corner. "these will come handy for the trek" The guide takes out a list and reads along. 





Pierson looks at Brent as soon as the guide mentions Alan with Pierson. Before it was too late, the guide said. "Now, no changing pairs, whether you like it or not. I've heard that you all are a friend squad so there will be no issues. 

Guide: Now here are the rules. 

1. Phones are allowed. For calls and messages only.                                                                                            

2. Drinks are prohibited.                                                                                                                                                    

3. If you all are lost then i have given a map. Use that. 

After 15 minutes

Pierson is with Alan. 

Alan - lets hold hands? I don't want you to run away. Brent loves Eva. He still likes all her posts on Instagram. 

Pierson - knows that he is trying to make her uncomfortable.

Pierson : What have I done to you? Stop it. 

Alan : Shut up and be my girlfriend, I will treat you way better. Brent keeps hanging out with girls and will prank you with kissing others. Trust me. 

Pierson : (gets teary) Stop! I am going. 

Pierson starts running, Alan runs after her. 

For people who don't know - Pierson was a runner before coming to social media. So she quite fast. 

Alan - Copes up and pulls Pierson's neck and kisses her. 

Pierson- (screams and tries to pull off) 

Brent : hears her screams. 

Brent : FCK! I knew this would happen! 

Pierson - Keeps screaming and tries to get off Alan's arms. 

Brent : See's Pierson kissing Alan. 

Alan see's Brent and pulls off. Pierson! what are you doing!? Stop kissing me! You already have a boyfriend, says Alan. Pierson cries and can't talk and sits on the floor. 

Brent : Pierson!? You should have pulled off. Why did you continue. 

Pierson : can't talk and continues crying. 

Alan : stop being a cry baby. 

Pierson : runs away. 

Brent : notices what he just said and runs after her and looses his track. Gives a punch to Alan and follows Pierson's track. Get's his phone and get's a message from pierson. 

Pierson leaves it on read and continues walking

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Pierson leaves it on read and continues walking. 

Brent takes the tour bus and starts driving fast, Danny shouts from behind. "that bus is mine!"

Brent finds Pierson walking on the pathway, he stops the bus and gets off. Pierson stop! I should have told the guide about changing pairs-

Pierson : he would have not allowed you anyway. 

Brent holds her arm and says, " look I am sorry, can we just go back, let the twins go alone I will go with you. "

Pierson : really Brent, a sorry? I don't want to make a huge drama out of this. People are staring lets go. 

Pierson has still not forgiven Brent but goes for the trek. Pierson continues crying from inside, tears roll down her tears while walking with Brent. Pierson holds Brent's hand and looks on the ground while walking. 

Pierson : Brent, I have never got  good relationships with boys, they just use me in everything, When I saw you, I saw myself with you holding children in our hands. I am just scared that we might break up. I knew something was fishy as soon as I saw Alan. 

(Pierson tells Brent about what all Alan said) 

Brent kisses Pierson on her lips, pierson hugs Brent tightly. 

Brent pulls off and says, " I will never let you go" 

Pierson : smiles and continues walking with him. 

( after the trek) 

Brent : I won't tell anyone about this okay?

Pierson : yes! Please don't.  

(everyone comes in the bus) 

Everyone was tired and slept except Pierson and Brent 

Pierson : I already slept on our way here. 

Brent : yeah.

Pierson kisses Brent and does not pull off. Brent continues. 

Pierson : I love you,( whispers in his ears.)

Brent : me too. 

Pierson : we will continue at dinner (smiles)

Pierson removes her phone and films a tiktok with Brent. 

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