Paris is coming!

793 20 4

*a week later*

All 11 members were sitting in the waiting room of the Californian Airport. Waiting for their flight as it got delayed for an hour. Brent, Pierson, Andrew, Lexi H were sitting together on a row. 

There were  huge lines of shops for accessories, food, travel, flight products etc. Pierson's eye's laid upon an attire wear shop. She rushed to the store to look for bikini's and shorts to wear on the beach.  

Brent's eyes kept following her as she went in the shop. Pierson knew Brent wanted to help so she called him over, as Andrew and Lexi H were giving looks at each other.

In the Store : 

Brent - hey babe

Pierson - oh hi! I knew you would want to come. Which one should I take?

 Brent - anything would look cute on you. 

Pierson - oh come on brent! 

Brent - *winks* This one, cause I'm paying for it. 

Pierson - checks the price tag  ( 40$) 

Pierson - 'no' I am paying for it. 

Brent - its so cute, its yellow and white, I like the design. And take these denim shorts. 

Pierson - sure Brent .

Brent - Can't believe we are sharing a room. (he say' whispering in Pierson's ears while Pierson passes her card to the employee)

Pierson - *smiles*

Brent - what shall we do?😏

Pierson - no Brent, I have not carried any protection

Brent - oh okay, we can buy them.

Pierson   - Just don't make it obvious, I will go to the medical store once we reach. 

Brent  -  I love you so much.

Pierson - Brent, we are coming closer to the waiting room, act like friends. 

The both of them sit together and start eating their fries. Pierson starts opening her phone and tells Brent that they should just chat as no one shall know. 

*you will be viewing Brent's phone*

*you will be viewing Brent's phone*

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*before the two could continue*

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*before the two could continue*

Speaker - I would appreciate all passengers from flight #### travelling to Paris, kindly get in a line on counter 34.

Brent - looks at pierson

Pierson - blushes and says' lets go' 

*After 12 hours*

They reach their hotel. All of members meet on the main entrance hall, 

Brent - So guys we made each other's pairs, the hotel rooms are booked.

Brent  - Dom and Sofie

               Lexi R and Ben

              Jermey and Andrew (if Jeremy comes, if he doesn't, Andrew will share with Alex and Alan)

               Eva and Lexi H

               Me and uh- Pierson

Pierson - nods

Everyone - oooo brierson huh?

Everybody heads up to their rooms and starts unpacking. Meanwhile in Brent's room -

Pierson - I'm so happy we are together here too. 

Brent - same here babe ( kisses her on her lips) 

Pierson - (pull's apart)

Brent - why?

Pierson - we have to get down quick for dinner, I'm starving.

Brent - they can wait. 

(Pierson leans in and they continue doing that)


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