Twan kissed me P2

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Pierson's POV :
I stayed awake all night. Thinking about everything happening in my life. My heart raced about kissing Twan. Having a boyfriend and kissing others in different. But the fact that Brent does the same.  I think I eventually  fell asleep as Brent put his arm around my waist. I woke up as my alarm yelled. 
I changed in my tank top for the skit. Leaving Brent asleep, Twan and I drove off to the parking lot of film the kissing scene. 
The inside me screamed.... 

Twan : So Pierson, its just a quick kiss.
Pierson : *thinks* I'm so sorry Brent 

Pierson's POV: 

The crew started the rain sprinklers for the rain effect, I was drenched. "SCENE 1!",yelled the person taking in charge. It was time. Twan put his hand on my face and kissed. I thought it was a quick kiss so I tried pulling away. But he pulled my lips to him. I wanted this to stop...

(after the scene)

Twan : sorry pierson, the guys needed time  to capture the full scene. 
Pierson : its ok...I gotta go. 
Twan : *laughs* okay bye!

Pierson : *bursts into tears* She gets into her car and starts driving towards the amp house to film. 
Lexi : Hey P
Pierson : Hi..
Lexi : is everything alright?

*skipping to Wednesday (the day Twan uploads the trailer of bad timing part *
Brent : scrolls through his insta and sees Twans story on Bad timing. 
Pierson : *petting charlotte*
Brent : pierson?
Pierson : mhm?
Brent : why would you kiss Twan?
Pierson : just for acting Brent. chill
Brent : wdym by chill?!! So you keep hanging out with him and now even start kissingg!?
Pierson : OH wow! as if you never kiss those chicks for your stupid YouTube pranks! So you say that you can kiss bitches for views and I can't for acting? 

(this was a smol chap cuz i have school, not me writing during school hours 😑)

GUYS DO YOU THINK I SHOULD CONTINUE WRITING UNTIL THEIR MARRAGIE OR EVEN AFTE THAT? Or should i stop after the drama? Let me know in the comments cuz I'm so confused on what to write...

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