Mom! we are dating!

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Everyone reaches their hotel. 

Ben : 3 more days baby!

Lexi H - we are going to check out the Eiffel tower tomorrow.

Lexi R : I'm still hungry lets grab a quick lunch from a restaurant and can chill in a room like last night. 

Dom : I am filming today. I can't I'll be there for 30 minutes. 

Ben : I'm there in your video right Dom?

Dom : yeah.

Brent : Not at our room this time. You'll made a mess, me and pierson had to clean it up. 

Pierson : yeah we didn't have a lot of time to Netflix and chill.

Andrew : only Netflix and chill? something more?

Lexi H - ew Andrew.

Brent: No we didn't do whatever you mean to say Andrew. 

Andrew: Fine, yall welcome to my room. (folding his arms) 

Lexi R - nice shirt Andrew! 

Ben : confused

Andrew : aww thx

Pierson : we all shall change and then meet at Andrews. 

Andrew : its room 307

(Brent and Pierson reach their bedroom) 

Pierson opens the door and sees rose petals on the bed, a table with a candle, curtains closed and a white bed with a huge heart pillow. 

Pierson : hugs Brent

Pierson : what is this for? she smiles

Brent : to show all my love for you. Holds her from the back and kisses her. 

Pierson : aren't we having lunch with the squad?

Brent : I have a list of excuses. (winks) 

Pierson : gets a call from her mom

takes her phone out of her pocket and say, give me a sec Brent. 

Brent: No, ( starts tickling her) 

Pierson ( laughs) stop. (laughs)

Picks up the call and puts it on speaker. 

Brent : Stops. 

Karen ( her mom) : Who was that pier?

Pierson : bReNt. 

Karen : you still like him don't you?

Pierson : No mom, I'm dating him. 

Karen : (gives a loud cheer of happiness)

Brent : laughs and kisses Pierson

Pierson :  Ma I have to go now okay? Bye!

The call ends and pierson starts tickling Brent until she is on top of him. 

They keep staring in each other's eyes. "You give me butterflies" , says Brent. 

Pierson does not say a thing and kisses Brent. When its over. Pierson gets up and jokingly says, "can't wait to marry you Brent" starts folding her clothes. 

Brent : then can't wait to propose you. 

Pierson : don't make it too grand. Just you and me. 

They hear knocks on their door. 

Pierson: rolls her eyes, probably Andrew or someone. 

Brent : opens the door. Uh pierson is sick.

Andrew : she was all okay when she was down. Just an excuse huh? its fine bro don't join, have fun. *leaves*

Brent : Andrew knows me. 

Pierson : what do you want for Lunch?

Brent : idk, you?

Pierson : Stop it Brent. I'll have a grilled sandwich.

Brent : same here I guess. 

Pierson : I'll go down and get it. 

Brent : room service? 

Pierson : don't waste all the money Brent. Lets go. 

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