please don't brent!

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the two wake up and head out to the beach

Pierson : Brent, thank you for everything. 

Brent : no problem- (picks her up and presses his lips tightly to hers)

(they kiss for a few minutes and break apart)

Pierson : splashes water on him. 

Brent : okay so here is what you wanna do?

Pierson : No! (sarcastically) 

Lets go, people will be coming to the beach now. 

Pierson : what's wrong if they see us?

Brent : Some 'shippers' spotted us coming together here. 

Pierson : oh, we shall make it public after our marriage okay? 

Brent : (knowing it is gonna be soon enough)

Pierson : lets go - 

Brent : lets go to the bar, the drinks here are way too good!

Pierson : I thought you don't-

Brent : its fine that was just for a video

Pierson : *shrugs* okay!

Brent and Pierson end up getting drunk and stuff-

Brent : blabbering his feelings for her loudly

Bartender : Sir, I guess you should get going to the room. This is not accepted in here. 

Pierson : (she is half drunk btw not as drunk as Brent) Babe, lets go. 

Brent : noooo please!

Pierson  : my god Brent ! Come on ...

Brent : as you wish love (winks)

Pierson : Brent take a nap don't do things forcefully!

Brent : but I want to- 


Pierson : we are not even married yet-

Brent : I don't care!

Pierson : I do! I cant control this.

Brent : Please!? can we 🥺

(the two keep arguing)

Pierson : I said no!!! (barges out the door and leaves Brent inside)

Brent : *dozes off*

Pierson comes in after 20 minutes to check on Brent and seeing him asleep. "I'm not getting him drunk again", she mutters. Pierson turns around to close the room door and feels Brent's hands on her waist. "Shit", she mutters. 

Pierson : B-BRENT! I said no. Please?

Brent : I'm not drunk anymore. I'm sorry k, I didn't know what I was doing. (kisses her lips)

Pierson : kisses back

this one was not that great so sorry :(

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