Surprise! Surprise!

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Pierson stands and starts walking forward and backwards.

lexi R : what? what did he say?

Lexi H - said something bad-

Pierson- yes! I can't believe him. (bends and shows the chat to the girls) 

Lexi H : what if he meant that for another message.  

Lexi R : Yeah! the first one. 

Pierson : you never know. I really didn't expect this you see. 

Lexi H : Leave it for now. Hang out with us. Go to Brent's tomorrow. You need rest. 

Lexi R : put that behind your back. He is my brother, i bet he would never say something like that. 

Pierson: probably right. 

(the girls go out and thank the girl for lending her phone.) 

~ In the Car~

Pierson: lets go to Starbucks?

Lexi R : we just ate before coming.

Lexi H : She loves eating.

Pierson: she said it herself.

(I'm too lazy to write what happened in the car so skipping to the next day) 

Pierson reaches Brent's house. She can't find him and goes in his room. She notices Brent looking through his bag searching for something. Before she could say anything. Brent came close to her, picked her up and said," hello darling!, I just missed you so much. I have thousands things to say". 

Pierson : yeah also by not liking me and talking bad about myself behind my back. (she folds her arms)

Brent : no! I never did that. What are you even talking about? 

Pierson : shows him a photo of the chat between him and the fake girl. 

Brent : There is nothing wrong in it. She was probably a fan. 

Pierson : they why the frick did you say- no! to you liking me!? (gets teary) 

Brent : (explains what he meant bla bla bla)

Pierson : Oh.. I'm sorry. I thought something else. 

Brent : why would I ever do that?

Pierson : I'm really sorry. *Hugs him*

Brent : its alright. Lets go to your Mothers. We have to tell her about both of us moving in together. 

Pierson : she's not home. She's gone for some work outside. 

Brent : leave it, I have another surprise. (winks) 

Brent pushes her to the door, removes something from his pocket. They were 2 tickets to Disney Land. 

Pierson: (speechless) OH MY GAUUUDD! (she was quite loud) 

Ben : comes in and see's what is happening. 

Ben : what's going on? I'm not disturbing something am I? (smirks)

Pierson : (smiles) No ben. 

Ben leaves the room awkward and bumps into Lexi. 

Lexi R : why are you cheating on me??

Ben : I AM NOT! It was a prank which I was filming with the boys. Lexi H must have probably heard or something. 

Lexi r : how can I believe you? 

Ben : go through my phone. I love you Lexi. I would never cheat on you. (smiles)

(meanwhile with brierson)

Pierson kisses Brent

Pierson : thank you so much! You really didn't have to! 

Brent : we will be going this upcoming Sunday. Till then we will be planning something for Andrew's Birthday. 

Pierson holds Brent's hand and says, "can't believe I found you!"

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