Moving In (part 1)

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Brent and Pierson finish eating their lunch and  go out of the hotel to buy a few snacks and a walk.

Pierson : Its's so peaceful here. I just love it!

Brent : puts his arm around her as they walk. 

Pierson : I feel so safe around you Brent.  

Brent : why wouldn't you? You are my future wife after all. 

Pierson : *nods*

Pierson : reaches the store and goes in. Calls Brent as there were only men workers at the shop. 

Worker : what would you want ma'am? 

Pierson : the bread on the right corner. 

Brent : it's that only? 

Pierson : yes. 

Brent pays and they go out continuing their walk back to the hotel holding hands. 

(the two reach their room)

Pierson : making coffee

Brent : joins and makes his too. 

Pierson : there was no need, you could have simply asked. *blushes*

Brent : ignores and continues

Pierson : smiles and hugs him

Brent gets back on the bed and continues being on his phone. 

Pierson : notices he is not spending time with her. 

Pierson : what are you doing? 

Brent : searching for a house

Pierson : you are changing a house?

Brent : no *continues scrolling through his phone*

Pierson : thinks he is lying but does not peek in his phone.

Pierson : I'm going to Lexi's

Brent : ok, bye!

Pierson reaches the Lexi R  and says: 

Pierson : Me and Brent did so many things throughout the days we have been here. Today he is not interested, staring at his phone and does not answer me. 

Lexi R knows that Brent is planning to get a house from both him and pierson to move in. 

Lexi R : uh-

Pierson : you know something Lex tell me. 

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