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Phil's POV: (hehe)

I was strolling downtown when I saw it. Ranboo, on the ground, tackled. And schlatt next to tommy, who had a serious expression. What's going on?! I decided it would be best to get Tubbo. I'm sorry Ranboo, but we need to know what's going on, we can't run into trouble first glance.

I grip onto my hat that's on my head while I sprinted to Tubbo's home. I aggressively banged on the door,"Tubbo! I need to talk to you! It's extremely important!!"

Tubbo swung the door open, half asleep,"What do you want.. I was trying to take a nap..." He rubbed his eyes and leaned on the door frame.

"I don't know how to tell you this. Uhm— Ranboo got sort of in a situation. A bad one," I patted his shoulder.

"What kind of trouble? Did he get arrested for something?," He now seemed more awake.

I kept my hand on his shoulder. " He may or may not have gotten tackled. By the police force. With Schlatt. And Tommy," I looked down at the concrete.

"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME SOONER!? I CAN STILL MAKE IT!" He rushed to grab his jacket and shoes.

"NO! I mean- no. You can't go after him, It's too dangerous! I don't want you getting hurt," I retaliated.

"He got kidnapped!! I have to save him! This can't happen! I won't let it!" He sounded desperate. He added," How did it happen specifically?!"

"I got near the fruit market when I saw Tommy yelling! A group was forming and Ranboo tried to run but Schlatt's team tackled him and knocked him out!" I put my hands out.

"I said specifically! You're not giving me anything!" He adjusted his coat to fit.

"Tommy was yelling about how Ranboo stole you from him! Then Ranboo tried to run away and was tackled, like I said!" I paused, " Then Schlatt walked towards Ranboo and squatted down and took off his face coverings and said 'I always hated disguises. You have to be your true self to get what you want.' or some shit like that! And Ranboo was knocked out after that and was picked up and went away with everyone!" I waved my hands up.

"WHAT?! God, how does he get into such bad situations! And Tommy is a traitor?! This is too much. We have to save him!"

"Well what are you going to do about it? You can't just walk up to Schlatt and demand to have Ranboo back," I shrugged.

He sighed. "We're going to need the whole team. We're going to make a plan," He took action.

"The whole team? Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes. We need everyone for this plan to work, Even Karl and Niki," He nodded.

"Okay. Well, what's the plan?"

"After everyone is here we'll discuss it," His lips pressed into a thin line.

Sorry for the short chapter i'm extremely tired and have had a busy two weeks

make sure to drink water and hydrate👍


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