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CW: Blood

Tubbo's POV:

It's been three days since Ranboo went missing. We've almost perfected our plan but I still worry it won't work. I bit my thumb as I paced in my room.

Skeppy gently knocked on my door then came in," Bad told me you haven't been feeling well, do you want to talk about it?" He closed the door behind him.

"I'm just worried about Ranboo... He means a lot to me and I don't want him to get hurt. Well— I guess he's probably already hurt. I wouldn't be surprised. Schlatt is a terrible man," I stopped biting my hand.

"I understand that, I'm worried too, but I can't imagine how it must feel for you," He placed a hand on my back.

He spoke again,"You should come down for some food, everyone's here with the plan in mind. you haven't eaten in a bit."

I put a hand out," I'm fine, I'm just not hungry. I'll eat later."

"I know you're grieving right now, But he'll come back. I know it," He tried convincing me.

"Yeah.. Yeah, thanks Skeppy, that means a lot to me."

"Come downstairs with me?" He had his hand out.

(bro i'm so smart i forgot to add that they sat on Tubbo's bed 😭✋)

I gave a sad smile and took his hand. We strolled downstairs to meet everyone.

"How you doing Tubbo?" Dream tilted his head.

"I'm doing fine, How is the plan? Are you all ready?"

I got a mix of 'yeah's'.

"Good. We will execute this evening."

Ranboo's POV: (yes indeed he is in pain)

How long have I been here? It feels like a month.. I daydreamed of getting out of here until a guard walked in.

I couldn't see her face, but she was very pretty,"Ranboo? Ranboo are you okay?" She sounded concerned.

"Why would you care? You work with Schlatt," I spat.

"Ranboo it's me! Niki!"

I snapped out of it," Niki? What are you doing here?!"

"We're going to get you out!" She exclaimed.

"Shh! Don't attract anyone else!" I responded.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry you're getting hurt like this.." She placed her hand over one of my new scars.

"It's okay, It's not your fault," I let out a breath.

"Ranboo, you can barely move. Does it hurt that bad?" She questioned.

"It hurts. A lot. I guess water is bad, right?" I gave a weak joke.

"I know it hurts, but can you walk?" She asked.

"I don't think so, I've been chained to the floor sooooo.. I don't think I can," I gestured to the chains.

"I'm so sorry. BUT, we have a plan. we're going to get you out of here," She then explained the plan to me.

"So.. You're going to kill him?" She responded with a nod.

"I've been a spy for them for a few days. I've been avoiding my duties here for a bit, I didn't want to get answers out of you," She squatted down in front of me.

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