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I have writers block for this chapter 😭😭

❗️❗️CW OR TW: brief talk about burns/ injuries and mentions of a panic attack❗️❗️

Tubbo's POV: (my headphones are being shitty rn and my music isn't liking me😪)

After finally getting Ranboo back onto his bed and letting him fall asleep I met Dream downstairs," Dude what the fuck was that? You scared Ranboo!"

"Oh don't give me that, he's hiding something from us! He probably knows exactly what he is and he's just putting on a charade!" Dream raised his voice at me.

"Shut your trap or you're going to wake him up! You don't want to deal with that again now do you?!" I covered his mouth with my hand.

He pushed my hand from his face and grumbled,"You know it's true."

"Dream you don't understand, think of how he feels right now. If you were him you would be scared too," I tried to reason.

"Oh come on, don't you think him having this- this thing going on with him is weird? If he doesn't know what he is he's too dangerous to be around. He's way too unpredictable," He shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket.

"He's not dangerous. He just needs help to find himself out."

"Fine. what do you suggest we do?" He glared.

I let out a breath," We need to help him own his teleportation. We also need to figure out how to get that border back up. Or even just build a wall."

"The teleporting thing is the easiest. What are we going to do about the border?" He raised his shoulders.

"For now all we're going to do is get the group and make sure no zombies get into the town. While I can help Ranboo with his problems," I pointed to myself with my thumb.

On cue Tommy came through the door,"Uh- Sorry to interrupt, but I was just going to show Ranboo this cool game I got."

"Don't to Ranboo's room," Dream turned to Tommy.

"Why not?" Tommy shrugged.

"He's finally trying to sleep right now. If he gets woken up who knows how long it'll take for him to go back again," I had a sympathetic gaze.

"Why is he so messed up?" Tommy raised an eyebrow.

"He's just-" I paused. "Different. That's the word."

"Okay then why is he so 'different'?" He put air quotes around 'different'.

"We don't know yet. We're still trying to figure it out," Dream took his hands out of his pocket.

"Well i'm losing patience!" Tommy grazed my shoulder as he placed a grocery bag on the counter.

Dream stormed to Tommy and gripped his shoulder," Tommy I would like to remind you that you are the one who got Ranboo hurt. Most of this is because of you."

"Dream, don't be so rude! Tommy said he was sorry!" I stepped forward.

"Yeah I said I was sorry! I didn't think it would go that far!" Tommy threw dream's hand off.

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