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❗️CW AND TW: scars(and blood) and panic attacks❗️i didn't wanna make the mistake again of not putting a cw or tw 🙏

also please do not be weird about Ranboo and Tubbo in this chapter yes i know it's weird, but it's not intended to be 😀✌️ if you think it's gonna be like that please don't . thanks

i'm also switching POV's a lot in this chapter so stay with me 🤷

Ranboo's POV:

I could hear voices around me but couldn't distinguish between them. I opened my eyes a little and moved my head to look around. I was in the same clothes as before except the white side of my shirt was covered in blood. I'm under a blanket with a pillow under my head. This is warm.. I never wanna get up again.

I heard someone raise their voice and move closer to me," Ranboo! Can you hear me?"

My eyes were half open at this point," Hm..?" I realized the person talking was Dream.

"Thank god you're awake. We were all worried about you," He had a sympathetic face.

I questioned, "We?"

"Yeah, the whole group. Is your head okay? Do you remember anything?" He put the back of his hand onto my forehead.

"No, no, I remember—ish. It hurts to think right now," He took his hand away.

"Well you just woke up, does anything hurt?" He asked.

"Almost everything," I chuckled.

He sighed and walked out of the room. He came back in with an excited Tubbo," Ranboo I'm so glad you're okay! I thought you'd never wake up!" He wrapped his arms around me.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts!" He quickly backed off.


"Dream, how long was I out?" I moved my head to look at him.

"Not even a day, Tubbo here is just happy you're awake," He poked Tubbo.

I laughed a little before Dream interrupted," I'm gonna have to look at your injuries, I know it hurts. Niki said it was all from water. Is that true?"

"Mostly," I gave a weak shrug.

"Mostly? Then where is it from?"

"I'd rather not think about it," I tried to get up but winced from the pain.

"Yeah it's pretty bad, and I haven't even looked at it yet," Dream shook his head.

"Since you're actually awake right now, I think it's best to look at it," He turned to Tubbo.

"Why didn't you check when I was asleep?"

"I didn't want to check without you knowing, I thought it'd be rude," He shrugged.

"Ah, okay."

"Can I look now? It'll probably hurt," He touched my arm.

"Ye-" Tubbo cut me off," I'm so sorry I let that happen to you. But also, I'm sad that this is how I got to see your face.." He tilted his mouth.

"It's fine Tubbo, really."

"This is cute and all but can you sit up?" Dream stopped Tubbo.

"I can try, my back hurts the worst," I used my arms to hold my weight and sat up, leaning on the bed frame behind me. I scrunched my face and did a sharp inhale.

"I need to see your arm," Dream took my hand. "I'm gonna roll up your sleeve, is that okay?" (omg ur being so nice dream 😲)

I nodded as he gently rolled up my sleeve, making sure not to hurt me. "Dude.. This went on for more than three days..? You're really a trooper," He smiled.

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