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❗️CW AND TW: Blood, Gore, scars (my friend is helping me with this a little and i'm going to be more(ish) descriptive 😜) and panic attacks❗️

I'm going to have a point where i say it's okay to skip because of this 😀✌️ but if you need to skip this chapter overall that's okay too

might be more confusing tho 🤷

Dream's POV:(i'm still sorry for switching povs so much i can't do a lot cuz ranboo can't move 😀👍)

I awoke and dragged my feet to the kitchen. I saw that Tubbo was already awake and watching tv,"Dream? Do you know why Ranboo's light was on all night? I could see it under the door."

"I don't know what you're talking about, I turned the light off after I left," I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I know what I saw. His light kept turning off and on. I could see a shadow near the door," He turned to me.

"I don't know, you could've just been tired," I shrugged.

"I saw his light turn off and on, George went in and turned off the light, then it went back on. Then you went in and turned it off again," He folded the blanket in his arms.

"Wait.. You're right. That did happen. But why? He can't even walk," I grabbed a skillet and cracked some eggs.

"Well, something good happened today— er, last night," He strolled to me.

"And that is?" I questioned.

"It's about Schlatt and this whole town," I handed him the cereal he was reaching for.

"What's going on?" I turned my head to him.

"Schlatt had a husband, his name is Quackity. He's going to be taking over this place. He and Schlatt didn't have a good relationship and it was extremely toxic," Tubbo paused. "All the residents have been told and are now aware of the situation, only a few have retaliated but they were quickly stopped."

"And what about the guards? Wouldn't they be after our heads?" I slid the eggs onto two plates.

"None of them wanted to hurt Ranboo, they didn't want to be a part of the situation. But Schlatt forced them to work for him and do his bidding. It's terrible," He sighed.

I placed a hand on his back," It can only get better from here right?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried if Ranboo will actually heal," He stepped back.

"He's going to be fine, he actually heals faster than any normal human. The blood has dried, but his skin is peeling and blistering," I held a plate in my hand.

"I don't get it, how is he staying so calm through this? It's all ripped up and scabbed," He shivered.

"I'm just wondering if he slept at all last night, if you said his lights were on," I started my way up to George's and I's room as Tubbo followed.

"I'll check on him in a moment after I give George breakfast," I added.

"Does he always sleep this much?" He tilted his head.

"He's like a sleeping beauty, never wakes up unless his prince charming is there," I joked.

"Ew gross! I don't wanna hear about that!" Tubbo rushed downstairs.

I laughed to myself, quietly opening the door. George shot up, "Who's there?!"

"Babe(istg i hate that name), it's just me. I made you eggs," I walked closer.

"Oh, sorry. Guess I'm just still in the fighting mindset," He apologized.

I handed him the plate with a fork,"Don't worry, I'm still on edge too."

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