CHAPTER 12? (alternate ending)

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Hii! author here, i wanted to make a new chapter to show you how it's doing! this chapter is based off of the alternate ending! hope u enjoy 😊  i lost pretty much all of my motivation and sparkle but it's fine 😀

Ranboo's POV:

My name is Ranboo and I'm the last one left.. I'm different and... I was the only one who could survive. all of my friends got overtaken by zombies....

(jk here's the actual story)

I'm currently 18 and it's been a little over one year since the um... incident with Dream happened. My mind has been free and nothing has happened ever since then.

President Quackity has been taking care of the land we are on, and no zombies have been sighted for many months. All of us can pick up on what's going on between Karl, Sapnap and Quackity, it's definitely no secret. They're always gawking at each other and flirting, it's pretty funny actually. (👀👀)

(btw i'm watching train to busan and it's amazing 10/10 would recommend tho it's pretty gorey watch at ur own risk😋)

Most of our group got jobs or made some for our own. Technoblade ended up making weapons, we always have to keep watch of the kids when he has a weapon, we don't want last month's incident to happen again.

Wilbur ended up getting money from performing at the local bar with some buddies he made.

I felt my phone buzz from inside of my back pocket so I took it out and checked the many notifications.

Bee boy
read 6:34pm

what's going on?
did something happen? is someone hurt or something?
read 6:34pm

Bee boy
read 6:35pm

jesus you're typing so fast
okay okay i'm coming hold your horses

(fun fact i was actually typing fast 😛 i type very fast and have many spelling mistakes bc of it💪)

I closed my eyes and brought my mind to Tubbo and the town square. The air shifted as I opened my eyes and adjusted my glasses. Lots of people were staring at me, granted, I literally just appeared out of nowhere but they should be used to it by now.

"What's going on?!" I whipped my head around to find the danger.

There was a mass amount of cheering which startled me until I felt a hand on my forearm. "Do you remember what day it is?" It was Tubbo.

"Uhhhhhhh..." My mind was blanking.

"You dumbass!" He punched my arm, "It's the anniversary of defeating Schlatt, and letting Quackity rise to power." The brown haired boy smiled. (i just spelt it like anneverycery.😐 i hate everything)

I gave a sigh of relief and put a hand to my chest. I smiled, even though no one could see it, but I knew Tubbo would get it. "So everyone gathered here just for this?" I tilted my head down to him.

"Mhm! We all needed to get back together, it's been a while since the whole-" He paused," The whole gang.. Was here." (get it😀 cuz dream's DEAD.)

Tubbo intertwined his scarred hand into my own and guided me around to different stores and stands, seeing people along the way. I smiled softly to myself and followed behind.

We met up with many of our friends, like Philza, Techno, Wilbur, even George! After Dream.. He kind of refused to even leave his house or his room, it took a long while but he's okay now. We're all happy about that.

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